Clare Townsend Equine Therapies
International Renowned Clare Townsend works with you& your horse to aid optimum performance.
'Outstanding results' 'It the difference between winning and loosing!'
B. Powell Racing, 2013.
‘The horse that is not in balance cannot
move freely through his back!’
At Clare Townsend we deliver a high standard of quality of service to our clients. Clare Townsend is a therapeutic based clinic that works with the horse and rider to improve the overall postural balance and performance. By working with such specialsed therapies for example; musculoskeletal and myofascia release, we are able to offer long lasting results over a a short period of time.
A high standard of service with 24 hour call out and after care is offered to all clients. We also give our clients an informational booklet on a variety of topics which include stretching exercises, nutritional facts, saddle facts etc.
We also aim to help with rehabilitation of the horse and rider due to injury or time off. Clare is in regular contact with the vets and is used by Veterinary Practices in and around the South West and the Isle of Man for soft tissue injuries, realignments and getting the horse back into work. We are able to customise treatment programmes to cater or the horse and riders aims and needs.
The clinic provides consultations, one off treatments through to regular competition treatments which catered to you.
postural balance
adopting a correct position in the saddle
ensuring the correct is distributed down both legs
aiding softer hands allowing a better feel through the reins
allowing the rider to move more freely by loosening through the back
enhancing natural balance
reducing any aches or pains, cramp or spasms
sharpening communications between leg, hand and the horse
improving one-sidedness
show hypersensitivity (grumpy when brushing or have a tickly spot, shiver at the withers)
work better on one rein than the other?
drop a shoulder?
strikes off on the wrong leg, changes leg in canter regularly or bucks in canter?
set its jaw, snatches at the rein or grab at the bit?
dislike being tacked up? Ears back, tail shake, raises back, sensitive along back