Gillian Elliott Freelance Coach
Real Quality Coaching. � UKCC 4, �, BHS SM, INT T (Reg'd) � PG Dip. Professional Practice in Sports Coaching,� BSc Equine Sports Science (Hons) �
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Great article - I love finding ways to explain behaviour and keep up with the fascinating ways we continue to discover how the horse views the works 🐴
Whilst I dont debate there is a huge problem across the industry - if horses were schooled and conditioned properly the burden of any weight would be more balanced and more bearable. From teaching beginners and novices for 20+ years some riders balance and understanding of training allows the horse to be more confident carrying them. I see many many lighter riders who lack basic knowledge of aids doing far more damage physically and mentally. I do strongly agree schools and centres should have weight limits. #training
Confusing aids or poorly timed aids is the number 1 issue in horses becoming confused, resentful or worse shut down. It's epidemic ! I haven't met a horse yet that doesn't respond better to the pressure scale working towards lighter aids. Simply put also the horse can only accelerate or decelerate much the same as us. Make sure you are not asking for go and stop at the same time. Ever.