Tennents Trains Ltd.
Tennents Trains offer FREE delivery on web orders over £60 of Hornby, Bachmann, Dapol, Peco & other model railway items in all gauges plus Lionel and MTH Model Railway Shop
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What a little beauty this is from Graham Farish! Dirty but gorgeous and very true to their 'real world' running. http://ow.ly/ibSU30aCogJ
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Only 5 left so get in quick for this local celebrity! http://ow.ly/1SMc30aCnHl This is a Bachmann 31-692 Stanier Mogul 42968 BR Lined Black Late Crest (Preserved). The real locomotive was preserved by the Severn Valley Railway in 1973, finally re-entering service in 1991 and is still resident there today running between Kidderminster and Bridgnorth.
Now fully restocked in both 00 and N Gauge Metcalfe Model railway kits - https://www.tennentstrains.co.uk/metcalfe
Home :: Second Hand :: Steam :: LGB/STAINZ 0-4-0 LBG Tank Locomotive 'Stainz'
With the sun out its time to get the garden railway back into running order.
Severn Valley Railway Official Site
Congratulations to our friends at the Severn Valley Railway on their half century.
Southern Sunset Weekend
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A little US switcher out for a run in the shop but longing for a proper layout to exercise on 😃🇺🇸🚂
Hornby Model Railways
Home :: Controllers :: Units :: 36-504RC Dynamis Ultima® DCC System with Evaluation RailController
Get the new DDC Control System from Bachmann. Updated on the Pro and great for the new starter or experienced DCC user alike.
Warley Model Railway Club & Exhibition
Home :: Second Hand :: Train Sets :: Hogwarts Express Train Set
Prepare to be spellbound by the Hogwarts Express!