Fresco DeliKafessen
Fresco DeliKafessen Fresco DeliKafessen is an independent coffee shop and deli owned by two graduates of University of Surrey. After graduating in 2014 and rejecting promising jobs, Dimitri and Konstantino decided to follow their passion with food and coffee. Their desire to start a new concept in the town they have been studying for 5 years, led them to the creation of Fresco DeliKafessen. With no experience and no capital to start, friends and family believed in those two young people, lending them the resources required to generate their idea. Their love for life, coffee and food was the primary initiative and where love exists, there are no borders. We at Fresco want to ensure that our customer is being treated well. We want to offer superior quality and service that will go beyond the standard impersonal relationship. The best Italian coffee together with Mediterranean Greek pastries and homemade customized sweet and savory crepes have the honor to start their beautiful journey from the irresistible town of Guildford. Enjoy the journey and wish that the journey will be long.
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