Schism Guildford
Schism comes to Guildford, playing an array of Rock, Metal, Punk and many noises to scare our neighbours. The first Friday of every month at Players Lounge Coming soon. The legend that is SCHISM ROCK CLUB launch a new night in Guildford at PLAYERS nightclub on the last Friday of every month starting Nov 24th. ALL drinks £3.50. Playing the finest Rock/Alt/Pop punk/Metal and Indie known to man
Tell your friends
facebook.com5 days to go till our Easter Zombie party. There WILL be Easter Eggs
10 days till our Easter PARRTYY!!
We want to wish all of you Schismites a very happy St Patrick's Day. The snow has been sent to challenge your journey to the pub in order to celebrate, but in the spirit of the Irish (and having seen how much of a beating many of you can take in a mosh pit) we will not be deterred. However, we encourage you to keep your camera on standby, for that moment when a bladdered mate of yours walks out of the pub, completely forgetting that the pavement is covered in ice, and falls arse over tit! If only because it will be feckin' hilarious to see in our news feed tomorrow morning. Now, go get the rounds in!
Two weeks to the next Schism Guildford guys. Good Friday too!!
Feb 2018
On Friday 30th March Schism Zombies come to Guildford for the first time. Always one of our biggest and best nights, not to be missed, you just need to pick your side.... Kill the zombie. Be the zombie. The choice is yours. There comes a time in every man's life when nothing else will quite hit the spot; nothing will satisfy that craving; nothing other than eating another man's brains. To some the brains is the all consuming passion; to others survival is the key, and then there are the zombie groupies - not a zombie yet but desperate to find a zombie to bite them. Whatever your inclination, this is your night. Get yourself ready for the holy trinity of great drinks, great music and the undead. Requests below
Zombies at EASTER!! (That would make a great film)
It's been a week since we tore up Guildford for our 16th Birthday and we now find Surrey covered in all this white stuff (ooo-errr) what a difference a week makes. We hope you guys are looking forward to our next event for Good Friday, it's our first dress up theme night in Guildford and it falls on a 4 day weekend, so there's no reason not to be well and truly inebriated on the night! The event page will be up in time to provide you with more details of the night. In the meantime sit back and listen to Avalanche by Bring Me The Horizon, as it seems to fit in with the weather conditions right now...maybe.
For those of you recovering from the Monday blues and looking to relive Schism's 16th Birthday, especially if you have very patchy memories of the night like some of us (those vodka redbull mixers are a killer), here is your monthly playlist compliments of DJ Jez. Enjoy!
It's our 16th TONIGHT!!!