Tang Sou Dao Ren Yi Wu Kwan
We teach Tang Sou Dao (The Way Of Tang Hand), which has its origins in both the vast knowledge and wisdom of Chinese teachings and in the advanced and open teaching methodology of more modern fighting systems. We teach Tang Sou Dao (The Way Of Tang Hand), which has its origins in both the vast knowledge and wisdom of Chinese teachings and in the advanced and open teaching methodology of more modern fighting systems. It is simple yet sophisticated, economical but of wide reaching application. It is an athletic skill with a practical application, it is a holistic healthy activity; it is a form of unparalleled mental discipline training the mind as well as the body. It is an exciting yet safe combat sport and an effective self-defence system.
Ren Yi Wu Kwan Tang Sou Dao is also an art - an expression of your own self. It is not enough that you learn to faultlessly reproduce the techniques you are taught because we are all different, with different abilities and skills. Through your study of Tang Sou Dao's tried and tested principles, you will discover personal applications and avenues of development through which you will develop in your own unique way.
The Ren Yi Kwan is a martial art family founded on respect and closeness. It does not matter what you do in the outside world. It does not matter how old you are, which sex you are or what racial and religious backgrounds you come from. You are now a valuable member of a family with equal rights and responsibilities. I hope you will take those rights and responsibilities seriously. That means always behaving in a way which will reflect credit upon you and the Ren Yi Wu Kwan. It also means that you can expect to be treated with courtesy and respect by all members of the family. As a member, you have the right to enquire, and along the way, feel free to make suggestions which may lead to the better operation of our family - it doesn't matter what grade you are, your helpful advice will always be most welcome.
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