Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Museum
Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Museum is currently being set up in Gloucestershire.
Contact us.
E-mail: Honorary President: Councillor Neil Hampson, Mayor of Gloucester.
The Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Museum is a museum which is currently being set up in Gloucester(shire), dedicated to the Gloucester Wagon Company (Later, Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Limited) from 1860-1980's and all other associated companies from the said periods.
We currently have a mobile/portable display which we take around shows, events and weekenders advertising ourselves and trying to raise funds for the museum's first purchase of a Gloucester built Carriage or Wagon, we are also raising funds for the purchase/lease of a more permanent museum and display area.
We have a large collection of model items all based on Gloucester products, we also have a large photographic collection which is currently approximately 10,000+ images of wagons, carriages, other items and photographs of the buildings etc. with thanks to the Gloucestershire Archives for allowing Museum Chairman Alan Drewett to take copies of the photographs and allow him to produce a very extensive archival list of images, which is currently still a work in progress.
For more information, please do email, comment or message us on here and please do not forget to check out the museum's website with a full list of the current museum collection.
Tell your friends
facebook.comWe are very sorry, that we have not posted for a while, we have been very busy with various aspects behind the scenes. We are happy to announce that we are planning various visits to local destinations including a GRC&W built carriage and the former works, we therefore asking our followers/supporters who would like to attend one of these events?
Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Museum
We have raised £60.00 for the GER Transport and Restoration Appeal, if you would like to help bring these carriages to their new home in Gloucester and see these restored to their former glory, please consider donating and helping the museum raise the required funds to enable them to carry out the required transportation and restoration required. Thank you
Transport and Restore 2x GER Non-corridor 3rd's
Here is the museums crowdfunder page for the carriages:
Following on from our Newsflash, we are now currently looking for funders, sponsors and anyone who wishes to donate to help us bring 2 of the 4 Great Eastern Railway Carriages back home, we need to Raise £6,000 for the lifting and transport of these vehicles. Due to the location and the current situation regarding the 2 carriages we need to hire a crane to lift the carriages onto low-loaders to then be moved and transported to Gloucester. If you would like to help by donating or knows someone who would like to sponsor this, please do get in touch for further details. With kindest regards, GRC&W Museum
NEWSFLASH: Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Museum can today announce that we are owners of 4 Great Eastern Railway Carriages, 2 being Gloucester design and also an internationally important gem, memberships will be informed as certain details have to be confirmed with present owners.
Update No. 2: Further to our post on Sunday 26th February 2017 we are pleased to inform you all that during our Official Launch we gained a magnificent £70.50 in donations and memberships during the evening, this all adds and helps us as a museum progress and work towards our goals of opening a museum dedicated to the Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Limited. Since our formation on 25 March 2016 we now feel as if we are finally getting somewhere, it has been a struggle on many occasions but we have got there. We know progress is very slow but we are getting there. We are pleased to let you all know that our paperwork has been sent in for our CIO and we are just waiting to hear back. Also, further to this we are pleased to be able to release some information not all on our proposed building, we have had a very kind gentleman come round and offer his services for free and has produced a collection of plans and drawings of a possible proposed building which we have discussed with him and we are pleased that in the coming days we can release these images and artwork to help each and everyone of you gain a better understanding and knowledge of how we hope the museum could look once we have applied for planning permission and purchased the land which we still have to do. If anyone would like to help with the purchase of land by donating to the museum, please get in contact or alternatively please visit our website and donate through the donation link provided. Thank you and please come back as we have more exciting updates to come. Regards, GRC&W Museum
Photos from Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Museum's post
As promised the first of many updates to come: As of yesterday evening 25 February 2016 at 6:00pm, the Museum held its Official Launch which was held at the Council Chambers/Civic Suite, North Warehouse, Gloucester Docks. The Launch was well attended by approximately 20 people. We held a presentation to inform those in attendance about ourselves, our aims and objections, our ambitions and where we currently are and how we wish to progress. We had representatives from various organisations including local museums, Gloucestershire Archives and various railway associations including local councillors. During the evening we put on a selection of food with drinks and refreshments being provided by Gloucester City Council. During a meeting with the Worshipful Mayor of Gloucester previously to the event yesterday he very kindly accepted the post of Honorary President of the Museum and during the Launch we presented him with a Certificate. During the event we had some special news regarding various aspects of the museum and its current progress which shall be up and coming in the next few days, so please keep watching for new updates with special upcoming news. (Photographs from new museum Member Angela Rendell)
JDR Karting
Thank you too our friends at JDR Karting last Friday for allowing us to show the Worshipful Mayor Neil Hampson around the former Works of the Company.
Please watch this space as we shall have some important and exciting news coming up to you by Sunday 26th February 2017, so please stay tuned.
Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Museum Fundraising Ideas |
Please help us raise free donations for Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Museum simply by shopping online. All proceeds will go directly into the museum and will help with the initial funding of basic premises and undercover accommodation for a variety of vehicles which we are hoping to loan, purchase and acquire. Join the fundraising revolution!
Hello Everyone, As you would be aware that last week was the 157th Anniversary of the Original Company. We the Museum are now in the process of working on the Newsletters, Policies and Procedures, Events for the new year including some possible visits to various locations to travel on or view various items of Gloucester Stock, and much much more. We are also currently working on various fundraising events to help raise the current Museum funds to help enable the museum to purchase/rent a building for possible storage of vehicles and to enable the museum to have a base and basic visitor centre in Gloucester. If you would like to help with the funds and possible get involved in a fundraising event or activity which the museum is hoping to hold please contact us at for bank details or further details of how to possibly get involved with fundraising. Please watch this space for further details and updates as and when they become available. Thank you, Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Museum