Pattinson Property Auction
Pattinson Auction - Buy & Sell Your Property Quick & Easy. For over 17 years Pattinson Estate Agents have been holding regular property auctions and have grown to become one of the largest in the country.
If you want to sell your property the fast, secure and effective way, Pattinson's are the only people to call.
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Our North East Action Catalogue is now live.
A little Friday fact for you. Pattinson has been holding auctions for 20 years, has 200 members of staff and 14 business development managers across the country.
Buying Through Auction
Thinking of buying your next property through auction? Take a look at our auction guide for some advice! 🔨
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Did you know we will be celebrating 40 years in business next month? We have now grown to a national company, leading the way in our field.
Sell for free
Discover how your property can be sold fast, easily and at zero cost to you:
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It's a beautiful sunny day today in Blackpool for the North West Auction!
Auction Valuation
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Partner Agents
Did you know it is free to become a partner agent? Pattinson is looking for more estate agents in the East Midlands to work with. Find out more at
Customer Reviews
We've had some top customer reviews: "I am delighted with the service from the auction department. I achieved a much higher price than I anticipated in the supposedly poor market." Read more at:
Don't forget our North East and North West Auctions are next week: View the properties at
East Midlands estate agents announce JV with online auctioneer |
We are in the news. Read all about it here: