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Galashiels Academy

Galashiels Academy, Elm Row, Galashiels, United Kingdom
High School



Galashiels Academy is a secondary school serving Galashiels and the local community We are motivated learners working in an inclusive and supportive environment to become successful citizens of the future

In Galashiels Academy we believe in ambition and aspiration and working in partnership to produce excellent young people. Our students leave our school with the attributes, skills and qualifications to become outstanding individuals and enhance the communities they will live in and serve.

My aim is for all our young people to have pride and ambition in themselves and in our school. We have high expectations of all in our school which we aim to be a place where all pupils and staff feel valued and can learn and achieve. Our school provides excellent levels of support, high levels of learning and teaching, a wide variety of extra-curricular opportunities and experiences and a varied and accessible curriculum.

Of our students we expect very high levels of attendance and punctuality and a pride in wearing our school uniform which represents identity and equality. In classes we encourage all our students to be ambitious and to always give of their best in everything they do. We also want our students to believe that making mistakes is part of learning and essential to making progress.

I believe strongly in partnership and working together in trust and openness. To parents we ask that you continue to support your children at home and keep in touch with the school. To the local community we would also welcome any support as we develop our young people and deliver a wide and varied curriculum.

We value your feedback. If you have a suggestion or if you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do everything we can to help. You can also keep up to date by following our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Thank you

Kevin Ryalls


Well done to former pupil Ross Hume on completing his Apprenticeship. It all started for Ross when he went on Work Experience from the school and was then offered a Modern Apprenticeship this just goes to show the great pathway that is available for those of you out there thinking of a Modern Apprenticeship.

Well done to Ines Guthrie who collected her Art trophy and prize tonight at the opening of The Studio Club Exhibition at Old Gala House for her fantastic seascape painting. Prizes and trophies were also collected for Caragh Philip, Lucy Reid and Noemi Kolodziej who couldn't make it. Please try and see this exhibition of fantastic artwork by local artists and our 4 talented pupils during the summer holidays. Thanks to The Rotary for the prizes. 🏆🎨

PARIS UPDATE: ✈️ On runway now. Above times seem to be correct. 🙂

PARIS UPDATE! DELAYED FLIGHT. ✈️ Flight has been delayed, expected departure 1725 and expected arrival 1820 approximately into Edinburgh. Times are subject to change. We will try to confirm when on runway. If no update made, please take above times as correct. See you soon!

More photos from the London dance trip. Thanks to Mrs Munro for providing this set of photos.

Sponsored Marathon Winners! The combined time for the S2 team marathon was 4hrs and 26 min (266 minutes) The combined time for the S3 team marathon was 3hrs and 21 minutes (202 minutes) The winners who guessed the correct times were Hilary Broatch and Mary Louth (accepted by Tracey Laurie) who both win £200 each. Over £1200 profit was made for the rugby/hockey tour which is outstanding! Thanks for everyone's efforts.

‘Academy expectations on school uniform for August 2017. We welcome your support, thank you’ What is the school uniform? · Plain white shirt and tie (specific to House). · Plain black V neck jumper or cardigan with no branding, preferably with school crest. · Plain black trousers, shorts, skirt, dress (no Jeans). · Plain black footwear (no trainers). · Lapel badge for Head Team, Prefects, House Captains etc. · Maroon tie for S6 pupils. · No jackets, hoodies, non-school jumpers in class (this includes school badge hoodies). · No scarves or hats in class. · No hats in the school building. · No leggings without a skirt. Where do I buy the school uniform? · Jumpers and cardigans are sold online from Border Embroideries (see below). · Ties are sold in the school office. Relevant hyperlinks and web links Border Embroideries online ordering - · Scottish Borders Council policy on School Uniform and link to apply for Free School Meals and Clothing Grants - · Link to online form for Free School Meals and Clothing Grants -

As the last few hours of the summer term tick away towards the holidays Ive had a special request from our school photographer of the last 2 or 3 years: So here is a message from Luke Starrs: Hello, everyone. I am now finished with my photography work at Galashiels Academy, and I simply wanted to convey my thanks. I've really enjoyed all the opportunities that a task like this has given me over the course of the year, and it's been lovely to meet and work with so many people in different year groups, departments and areas of the school. I would like to wish all of you the best in the future. To the pupils, some of the days ahead will be difficult but I will urge you all to never give up, because there is always something amazing waiting for you. I have faith in all of you to do your absolute best. To the parents, I would like to thank you for all of your continued support - it's been wonderful to meet so many of you at shows and events this year, and hearing your input and take on things is always incredibly valuable. I may well be returning at some point in the future to give more help at the school, but for now I simply wish to say thank you for everything. Since we only ever upload a few photos per post on the school Facebook page, I actually have many more photos from the various events that have taken place over the past year but have never had the chance to put them anywhere. As such, there may be people who have been featured in photos that did not end up on the page. Therefore, if you think I may have any photos of you or a family member that you would like, just let me know and I'll be delighted to send them along if I find some. Since it is now time for me to move on, I will of course miss the people I met here. I do however look forward to when I see you all again, whenever that may be. As I said at my leavers' ceremony, the friends you make are like stars - you don't have to see them to know they're out there. Thanks again to all of you, and I wish you the best of times. Farewell for now, my friends :) -Luke S.

Yesterday the Braw Lad & Braw Lass visited the Academy. Here are some photos of their visit. Pics from Luke Starrs

Head Boy and Head Girl Congratulations to Joris Caldow and Kerry Waddell who were appointed following a process involving votes, hustings and interviews. We look forward to a great year this session!

Mr Ryalls announcing and addressing the new S6 House Captains - a new role for S6s in Galashiels Academy. Pics from Luke Starrs

SSC pupils enjoying lifeskills tasks, cooking oatcakes and making guacamole. Pupils developed their mixing and chopping skills and used all their senses. It has to be said they were much keener to make the guacamole than to eat it!


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