Michael Simpson - My Size My Shape
Specialises in working with busy working women aged 30 to 55 who want help to lose weight to look good & feel confident in the clothes they wear in 24 wks. Michael Simpson is the North East's Premier Shape & Figure Specialist for Women. He works with busy working women aged 30 to 55 years who feel unmotivated are time poor to exercise and lack the support and who want to drop 2 dress sizes and gain the shape to look good & feel confident in the clothes they wear..
What separates his services from other fitness professionals is that he has transformed the lives of well over 400 women using his "Look Good & Feel Confident 7 Step Formula" and through his extensive experience he fully understands what this process takes and because of this his clients receive a reduction in 2 dress sizes and the shape to look good & feel confident in the clothes they wear in under 24wks with a sustainable plan to continue their lifestyle.
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facebook.comTOP TIP OF THE DAY **SET YOURSELF A MINI CHALLENGE** With the Easter Bank Holiday almost upon us 😁 If like many women now your maybe starting to feel a little de-motivated due to the recent snow fall having an effect on your continued weight loss, toning up or improved fitness? Then why not think up a MINI CHALLENGE you can undergo over the next 8 days up until Good Friday! 🤔
FREE (lose weight & tone up in 2018) GROUP TASTER SESSION Success Story: Julie Arnett Before attending the taster session I was relatively fit however Ill health impacted on fitness levels. The reservations I had about attending the taster session were as I was currently undergoing chemotherapy so worried about keeping up. The free taster session has been Great! Feel full of good vibes. The 1 best thing I got from attending was it got me signing up for the 12 week programme! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If like Julie your a busy working woman who'd like to come along to 1 of my FREE GROUP TASTER SESSIONS been held now in Hardwick Park near Sedgefield . For more details comment "YES" below or private message me.
TOP TIP OF THE DAY Anthea Mcloughlin asks: I need to focus upon my diet with my weight not changing! Is there any advice you can give me? I so understand how disheartening it must feel when your trainings going well and your not seeing the weight loss results you desire! 😊 What I'd suggest is looking at the times you both eat your main meals & any snacks and...WHAT? 🤔 If your continuing to skip any main meals! I.E. breakfast, lunch or dinner! Then the likely hood is you'll start feeling hungry and so reaching for any thing accessible which tends to be high in sugar & calories!
MY NO 1 EXERCISE OF THE WEEK FOR ALL ROUND RESULTS! **THE ROWER** 🚣♀️🚣♀️🚣♀️🚣♀️🚣♀️ If you not 1 for rowing? Then you may like to read this! 🤔 Rowing it's been found is the no 1 piece of exercise equipment for all round results! 😯 Although the treadmill tends to burn more calories! For all round results in losing weight, toning up the whole body, strengthening the core and improving your fitness! Then you don't have to look past the rowing machine! 🤗
TOP TIP OF THE DAY **DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU HEAR** You've proberly heard it before! "If I use heavy weights I'll end up big and with big muscles" Well the truth be know unless you start injecting high doses of testosterone and go on an intense training program using heavy weights it ain't going to happen 😊
QUESTION OF THE DAY! Green Jean Bean asks:I would like to know how I can slim my legs down to fit into a pair of below the knee boots next winter? If your calves are heavily toned then it's possible you've been focusing a lot of time to toning up of this area and would benefit from working more on toning & firming up of your upper body & core for the time been! If your carrying excess weight around your legs & calves then it's possibly down to the type of training you have been doing is not quite right for shifting this stubborn weight and you may like to try swimming lengths or adding more power walks or longer runs into your program!
TOP TIP OF THE DAY **HOW MUCH WATER ARE YOU DRINKING** If you tend not to be one to drink the recommended 6 to 8 glasses of water a day? Your not alone with many people struggling to drink that much water! To help those of you to increase the amount of water you drink in a day! Why not dedicate the rest of March to increasing the amount of water you drink in a day! 🤗
QUESTION OF THE DAY! Kelly Snowdon asks: Although I try to eat healthy why is it I feel bloated and uncomfortable especially on an afternoon? It's been concluded the reasons for boating or stomach swelling can be triggered by anything from fluctuating hormones to eating reheated pasta! 😯 Here's a few possible reasons: * Carbohydrates, fats and protein can all trigger bloating! With fruit, beans and dairy products up there. * Fibre - Whole grains, beans and legumes can lead to bloating in some people. * Salt - Extra salty meals may lead to water retention which causes bloating. * Fatty Foods take longer to process in the body which can lead to bloating!
FREE (lose weight & tone up in 2018) GROUP TASTER SESSION Success Story ***Debbie Cockburn*** The only exercise I did before attending the taster session was walking our beautiful border terrier dog. MY EATING WAS OUT OF CONTROL & my head was was not in the right place. LOST MOTIVATION & WILLPOWER TO DO ANYTHING! I DID THINK IS THIS REALLY FOR ME! I asked myself if this was just another 1 day wonder. I wondered what support was on offer in particular how would I get on with Michael? THE TASTER SESSION WAS AMAZING. Not only was I able to complete it, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. THE SESSION WAS TAILORED AROUND MY NEEDS! The 1 best thing I got from attending is I FEEL I HAVE GOT MY MOTIVATION BACK! I have got support from not only Michael but also from my group members. "Buzzing". >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If like Debbie your a busy working woman who'd like to come along & try 1 of my FREE GROUP TASTER SESSIONS been held in Hardwick Park near Sedgefield. For further details comment "YES" below or private message me.
MY NO 1 EXERCISE OF THE WEEK FOR A FLAT & FIRMER TUMMY! **THE PLANK** The great thing about core workouts is you can do them anywhere and 1 particular exercise to inc in your workouts is The Plank! What's most important is choosing the plank which feels most comfortable for YOU! That you can hold keeping your back straight or in natural alignment. 😊
TOP TIP OF THE DAY **MAKE YOURSELF MORE ACCOUNTABLE** Want a way to keep yourself committed to going to the gym, attending that fitness class or ungergoing all of your training sessions? Well ask someone! a friend, work colleague or even a family member if they'd like to train with you at some point!
QUESTION OF THE DAY! Joanne Dyce asks: Is there any exercises I can do (not running or walking) with an injured shoulder? I'm struggling as I can't put weight through my arm to do planks, push ups etc As long as the exercise does not aggravate the injured shoulder then there's no reason to why you could not undergo certain exercises which use the lower body! I.E. Indoor cycling, squats, calf raises and lunges.