Stasha Cakes London
Cakes - Torte i kolaci Stasha Cakes is a home based family business. We make various types of cake with different flavours to suit your personal interests. We do any theme and type of cake. Cakes can also be dairy free or vegan cakes. All cakes are freshly made so we ask if possible to order cakes 14 days ahead. We are based in Feltham in West London but we can deliver to your location or venue at an extra cost. You can order cakes directly from us or from Dunavska Golubica ( For any extra information contact or feel free to callus on 07502216400.
Thank you ahead for any future orders.
Stasha Cakes u ponudi imamo domace torte i kolace iz bivse Yugoslavije. Nudimo i posne kolace i torte. Svi su kolaci i torte frisko pravljeni tako da molimo da narucite 14 dana unapared. Mi smo u Felthamu u Zapadnom Londonu ali vrsimo dostavu uz extra cenu. Kolace i totre mozete naruciti direktno od nas ili u Dunavskoj Golubici ( Za sve informacije kontaktirajte ili slobodno nazovite na 07502216400.
Hvala na ukazanom poverenju.
Tell your friends
facebook.comNarudzbe za Djurdjevo su otvorene molim vas da narudzbu obavite pozivom na 07502216400 unapred hvala na narudzbi i ukazanom poverenju Stasha
I jos malo kolaca
Kolaci i baklava
To all my costumers please come and suport us thank you ....
I jos malo torti
Torte I kolaci
U subotu 24.02 ce biti sitnih kolaca ako ima zainteresiranih molim vas da se javite hvala Stasha
Decije torte
Slani zalogaji
I jos malo pogaca