Crofton School
Crofton School is a 11-16 Foundation School with around 1000 students, serving the village of Stubbington and the surrounding area. Crofton School is a happy and successful 11-16 Foundation School with just over 1000 students, serving the village of Stubbington and the surrounding area. We are a mixed, comprehensive school and we admit students of all abilities.
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facebook.comDear Parent/Guardian, Please be reminded that the students return to school on Thursday 4 January 2018 which is a Week B. Mr S Harrison Headteacher
Dear Parent/Guardian, We have been informed that the link on the Year 9 Parents Evening letter has not been working for many parents. Please find a new link below: Please contact the school if you are still experiencing problems. Kind Regards, Crofton School
Dear Parent/Guardian, As we approach the festive season, I would like to take this opportunity to update you on a number of Safeguarding matters. Below is a letter from Hampshire Constabulary regarding young people uploading inappropriate images to various social media platforms. Sadly, many of our young people do not understand the potential danger they are putting themselves in by taking and uploading such images. [ 219 more words ]
Dear Parent/Guardian, Please find below, a letter regarding the Year 8 exams which will take place the week beginning Monday 15 January 2018. If you have any questions about these exams, please don't hesitate to contact me. Kind regards, Mrs W Wollaston Examinations Officer Letter
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), Please find below a letter and consent form, regarding Level 3 Bikeability Cycle Training. Kind Regards, Crofton School Bikeability Cycle Training
Dear Parent/Guardian, Just a gentle reminder that the auction for the Lions Montage Canvas, signed by Jonathan Davies, Leigh Halfpenny and Ken Owens, in aid of the charity Canine Partners closes at 7:00pm tonight. Kind Regards, Crofton School
Dear Parent/Guardian, Please find below a letter from Mr Ridley regarding the Year 9 Parents Consultation Evening. Kind regards, Crofton School Letter
Dear Parent/Guardian, On Friday 15 December we will be holding a non-uniform day to raise money for Canine Partners. On this day, pupils may wear non uniform to school. Normal expectations about hair colour and piercings will apply. For health and safety reasons, pupils may not wear high heels or backless shoes, however trainers may be worn. Students are reminded that dress must be appropriate for a school setting. [ 56 more words ]
Dear Parent/Guardian, The Year 10 data reports are now available to look at on the Parent Portal for SIMS (which replaces Progresso). You should have received an invitation email with a link to register. Just a reminder that this invitation will only last for 14 days, so please ensure that you have registered before then. If you have any problems registering, please email where someone will be able to help you. Kind regards, Crofton School
Dear Parent/Guardian, We have a Lions Montage Canvas, signed by Jonathan Davies, Leigh Halfpenny and Ken Owens up for auction (photo here). This magnificent British Lions' canvas can be yours! It would make an ideal Christmas present for that rugby fanatic in your family. All monies raised will go towards this year's school charity 'Canine Partners'. Starting at £50, the bids will open at 7:00pm this evening and will run until 7:00pm on Friday 15 December. [ 70 more words ]
Dear Parent/Guardian, Mr Marshall has asked us to let you know that there is no rugby club after school this Friday 15 December. Kind regards, Crofton School
Dear Parent/Guardian, Please note that the Christmas concerts are the 12th and 13th of December and not 13th and 14th as noted in the recent Christmas letter. Apologies for this miscommunication. Kind Regards, Crofton School