O'Brien Imaging
Photographic Imaging by Kevin R. O'Brien Including Still Life, Landscape, Fine-Art, Commercial and Photo Documentary imaging.
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facebook.comPersonal challenge study #4 Sluice gate gearing Eyemouth Harbour 25.04 2019
Outward Bound from Eyemouth harbour.
End of the road - Eyemouth Harbour 23rd April 2019 It's suprising what you find hanging around in a harbour, This shot took my eye, not for everyone but I could see something in this.
Study #3 24.04 2019 Eyemouth Harbour Personal challenge. 7 tecnically perfect still life images each day starting. 22.04.2019 https://www.facebook.com/KevinOBrien.imaging https://www.facebook.com/KevinOBrienPresenter
Study #2 23.04.2019 Fishing drum weight. More tomorrow. https://www.facebook.com/KevinOBrien.imaging https://www.facebook.com/KevinOBrienPresenter
O'Brien Imaging's cover photo
Northumberland Coast Study #24. If you take time to look there is beauty everywhere.
I decided to take a rest from photography for a while to concentrate on other things but it never leaves you (rather it never leaves me) so i have decided to challenge myself to a seven day challenge. The challenge is, 1 tecnically perfect still life for each day starting today. 22.04.2019
Photos from O'Brien Imaging's post
John Barron Before you make your own opinions about these photographs let me explain what they are about. This is my friend John Barron who was my tutor when I was studying photography. Over the last 6 months he’s been through a lot. John suffers with several debilitating illnesses and about 4 months ago he took a bad turn that has completely changed his life. He spent three months in hospital suffering with Delirium. Because of this he is now a changed man, but he is also a very stubborn man and won’t give up easily and when he gets an idea in his head, it sticks there until something happens. He is part of a Wellbeing group (Open Space) where I teach photography in Eyemouth and yesterday the task for the day was to photograph John. The reason I chose John as the subject was because over the last three months his beard has grown in this really bizarre way and he asked me to photograph him before he has it shaved off. John requested a “normal” pose and one where he was pulling an angry face. Obviously because of his illness he struggles with motivation but yesterday John was the happiest I have seen him since his problems began. He loved posing for the rest of the group and everyone was laughing and having a great time. If you see John around Eyemouth say hello to him. He spends a lot of time on his own but loves company. He has a very dry sense of humour, so be warned. Here are a couple of shots I took while the group was photographing him. There will be an exhibition of the groups work towards the end of the year.
St Abbs Lifeboat
Here you go peeps It's now available for sale.
O'Brien Imaging's cover photo