The Grooming Room
Fully qualified dog groomer, working within the relaxed friendly atmosphere of Oakwood Veterinary Surgery.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS**Free** Clean dog hair for our feathered friends. Sadly, no ones taken me up on this offer, every year I've posted it 😢😢
Some of this weeks Fluffs xx
Just a Seasonal reminder to all my two legged customers..... If you'd like some clean dog hair to put out for your nesting birds, please drop me a line, I'll happily put some aside if you bring your own bags. I'm always keen to help our Wildlife <3 <3 <3 I will not be held responsible for any of the hair once it leaves The Grooming Room. Thank you :)
After the craziness of the Christmas rush, i'm enjoying a relaxing start to the New Year. Happy 2018 one and all xx
I'd like to take this opportunity to wish all my Furry Friends and their Two Legged Companions, a very Merry Christmas xx
Yay, the lovely Lucy is returning to The Grooming Room, to help out during this busy week 😁😁😁