Reconnecting people to nature, community and themselves through transformative experiences. Our Five Guiding Principles:
The Children’s Fire
The Children’s Fire is part of the Earth teachings of the elders of ancient America. Over time the elders came to understand that all human-created institutions needed to reflect the balance and wisdom observed in nature. The Children’s Fire was a reminder of the first promise: No law, no action of any kind, shall be taken that will harm the children seven generations hence.
The Twin Trail
We invite people to follow the ‘twin trail’ of inner healing and spiritual deepening and of outer action to change the world. By uncovering our true gifts, responsibilities and passions we are able to bring ourselves fully to the world, leading ourselves and others on a path of positive action.
Connection to nature, community and ourselves underpins everything we do at Embercombe. By connecting to the very essence of what it means to be human, we will be more effective communicators and leaders for change.
We strive to live sustainably on the land, growing much of our own biodynamic food, managing our waste using compost loos and supporting our electricity use with solar power. We still have a long way to go to become fully sustainable, but every year brings new ideas and progress.
From our Core Team who live permanently at Embercombe, to the volunteers who stay for a few months and everyone that visits us for a programme, the joy we feel by connecting as a community is ever present and binds us to a common purpose of living co-operatively together in harmony with nature and the land.
Tell your friends
Have you got the passion, the creativity, the cooking skills and the strategic and management ability to become our new Kitchen Manager? Join us in leading a team that will work with organic, seasonal, locally grown produce to create memorable culinary delights for our programme participants! http://embercombe.org/events-and-news/news/vacancies/
What’s The Most Important Life Lesson Older People Feel You Must Know? http://time.com/38799/important-life-lessons-whats-the-most-important-life-lesson-older-people-feel-you-must-know/
Embercombe Experience Weekend
"Imagination lives for the adventures that will set the world alight" - Mac Macartney. Discover your imagination on an Embercombe Experience Weekend http://ow.ly/YapOG
Embercombe Experience Weekend
"Play is not only for children…adults need it also..." Mac. Join the fun at an Embercombe Experience Weekend http://ow.ly/YapOG
Transition Town Totnes Film Festival 2017
This weekend we are looking forward to a very rich programme of interesting films at the Transition town Totnes Film Festival, March 10th–12th http://bit.ly/2mYPgWJ
Timeline Photos
"The dreams and fantasies of our youth reveal much that can and should inform our adult journey" @MacEmbercombe
Embercombe Experience Weekend
"It is now with the people. It is with us. We are called to become leaders…" @MacartneyMac founder of @Embercombe http://ow.ly/YapOG
Embercombe Experience Weekend
Our March 24-26th Experience Weekend features the film Forest Voices about the Baka rainforest people & their music http://bit.ly/2lEbCwm
Mac Macartney
Volunteering – Residential
Ready for an adventure? We are seeking a few more volunteers to join us now until early May. It's hard work, but offers an amazing opportunity for inner and outer work, for a few months of self-discovery and growth. Wake up to who you are, to the joys and challenges of connection as part of our community and with the beautiful land waking up into Spring. Visit http://bit.ly/2mhl5IP
11 Things I'd Like to Tell My Younger Self http://www.filmsforaction.org/articles/a-letter-to-my-younger-self
Speaking Out
Want to make a difference but too scared to Speak Out? Learn to speak with confidence: http://bit.ly/speakimpact