Fermanagh Physio Plus Pilates
Treatment of Back/ Neck/ Joint Pain/ Sports Injuries
Assesment of Spinal posture and Foot Mechanics
Manual Therapy/ Acupuncture/ Electrotherapy/Pilates
Fermanagh Physio Plus Pilates is owned and managed by Nicola Mccullagh Daley. It is a bright spacious premises offering "hands on" manual therapy, acupuncture and rehabilitative Pilates.
Nicola graduated with a BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy degree in 1992 from the University of Ulster at Jordanstown. Nicola is a Chartered Physiotherapist (MSCP,MISCP) registered with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) and is a member of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Orthopaedics. She is a a fully certified APPI ( Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute) Pilates Instructor.
Nicola graduated with a BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy degree from the University of Ulster in 1992. Since She has worked in both the public and private sectors in the UK, Australia and Ireland. Nicola has been teaching Pilates both individual and classes to all levels for 12 years.
PHYSIOTHERAPY is one of the most effective ways to treat many physical problems. The simple aim of Physiotherapy is to alleviate pain, restore normal movement, posture and function to the body (from injury/illness). It includes assesment, diagnosis and treatment of the problem.
Since graduating Nicola has been consistent with her post graduate education by attending numerous certified courses. Her specific clinical interests are back, neck and postural dysfunctions, which have facilitated her interest in Pilates and its very necessary role in spinal rehabilitation.
PILATES involves teaching control of the deep postural (CORE) muscles which stabilise the spine and pelvis correctly. Hence it leads to more efficient muscle use,improved body image,awareness, toning, strengthening and increased flexibility. Physiotherapists use Pilates to correct poor movement patterns,prevent injury recurrence, develop conditioning and enhance performance.
The Clinic specialises in the treatment of:
Back pain and sciatica
Neck pain and whiplash
Joint pains and Strains
Sports Injuries
Post fracture and post surgery Rehabilitation
Posture analysis, advice and Correction
Clinical Pilates- 1:1 and classes
Flexibility and exercise programmes
Urinary incontinence
Foot problems, Shin splints,Heel pain, fallen arches and orthotics
Morning, afternoon and evening appointments are available on different days. Home visits can be arranged where mobility is an issue.
Pay Parking is immediate to the premises.
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facebook.comTo the "Atman Healing Centre" [not far away] at 7 Nugents Entry, on the Queen Elizabeth Rd. TEL 02866229632 See previous post
Sorry to all for so little communication in recent weeks but I have been in the process of many changes and I am happy to say I am now working out of "The Atman Healing Centre" 02866229632 https://www.facebook.com/theatmanhealingcentre/ For now, I am no longer working as 'Fermanagh Physio plus Pilates' and all communications will need to be through the Atman Healing Centre. My services will still be the same with no change in recent prices and of course Pilates classes and individual sessions will continue, with details on "The Atman Healing centre" facebook page. All vouchers purchased under 'Fermanagh Physio plus Pilates' will of course be honoured. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all my clients both individual patients and class participants for all their support during my time building up the very busy practice of 'Fermanagh Physio plus Pilates'. It has been successful because of all that support, for which I am very grateful. So changes ahead, but really its the same face, in a different place not to far away but in lovely surroundings with a host of other therapists offering a range of therapies. So look forward to seeing you soon 😃
...time to get back on track and bring PILATES back to the bodies after our Christmas indulgences!!! Check out the JAN '18 PILATES schedule with Nicola. Beginner classes are almost full. If you have done Pilates before or are physically active you can consider some of the other levels. Please feel free to get in contact to discuss or book a place 07715871711. Thank you and look forward to hearing from you
Just a short New Year wish to bring you all the best of HEALTH, HAPPINESS and of course PILATES in 2018. I never got around to posting a Christmas wish but I hope u all enjoyed the festivities and now I just want to THANK all the clients who came through 'Fermanagh Physio plus Pilates' in 2017 for your custom and continued support, on your journey to a more comfortable, flexible and stronger body. Fermanagh Physio plus Pilates reopens again tomorrow, Jan 2nd '18 and a new Pilates class schedule will be posted shortly.
Its that time of year again...so if you fancy giving a surprise gift of Physio or Pilates, then a gift certificate might be the answer. Just feel free to call in to the clinic and enquire. Many Thanks.
Just a little reminder how to sit up straight at your desk.... rather than leaning into the screen and giving your body all those horrible physical tensions and stresses
Check out this Autumn round of Pilates starting from next week, Beginner classes are almost full, but if you have done some Pilates before or are already physically active, some of the other classes may be appropriate. You can cal or msg to discuss, contact number is 07715871711
Here are just a few simple reasons to check out your posture and see the benefits of PILATES by learning and strengthening into good postural alignment, to avoid physical problems
SEPTEMBER BEGINNERS CLASS STARTING, Morning and Evening! Due to popular demand we will run three BEGINNERS Pilates Course of 6 progressive Classes, Details are: Wed 20th Sept 7.15pm, with Naomh Thurs 28th Sept 6pm with Nicola Fri 29th Sept 11.15am with Nicola All classes will run straight for 6 weeks Cost is £10/class if paying as you go or £50 upfront payment for 6 classes. Once finished the course we aim to facilitate the opportunity to progress on to the next level if numbers permit.
This is an easy reading article to answer common question about FOAM ROLLING, have a look!
We are happy to welcome a NEW FACE to "Fermanagh Physio Plus Pilates"...Ciara O'Hare-Smith, has just started and is working on Saturday mornings, initially in August. In September Ciara will be available for treatments on Monday and Thursday evenings as well as Saturdays. Ciara qualified with BSc Hons in Physiotherapy in 2014. She is fully Chartered and a member of the HCPC. Since qualifying Ciara has had a great introduction to the Physiotheapy role through her full time position in Northumbria. While there she spent a large part of her time working in orthopaedics and musculoskeletal outpatients....a lot of which we see here in Fermanagh Physio Plus Pilates. Ciara also spent a full season as sports Physiotherapist covering a Newcastle rugby club during training sessions and matches, allowing her to develop her manual skills in an acute setting as well as general rehabilitation. So please ring 02866323951 if Saturday morning suits for your consultation
Well, unfortunately its Good Bye, Good Luck and a Big THANK YOU to Mark, who is off to pastures new in England. He has successfully secured a position with Rotheram Football Club to follow his much desired path as Sports Physio. I wish him every success in his new post and am very grateful for all his hard work at 'Fermanagh Physio+Pilates'. Best wishes Mark.