Cats Protection, Lea Valley Branch
Registered Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland). Within the following postcode areas: E4, EN1, EN2, EN3, EN6, EN7, EN8, EN9, N9, N13, N14, N18 and N21, Lea Valley Branch volunteers look after cats that come into our care until we can find good homes for them. If the cat has been a stray, we see if it is microchipped and, if so, try to trace the owner. For strays and others, each cat has a full veterinary health check, treatments as necessary, vaccinations, worm and flea treatment, and is spayed or neutered.
Once all this is done and the cat is in full health, we try to match it to the right home. You can see some of the cats and kittens in our care awaiting new homes our website: To defray some of the costs in caring for our cats, we charge an adoption fee of £75.
If you are interested in homing one (or more!) of our lovely cats or kittens, please email your contact details to:
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On 12 November 2016, Hunter came into our care as a very poorly, 5-month old kitten whose owner could not afford to pay the likely veterinary cost of treatment. It soon became clear that Hunter was seriously unwell: he had not been able to eat or drink for five days and, as a result, was severely dehydrated. The vets at Medivet's 24-hour clinic in Enfield immediately admitted him to their hospital and put him on a drip. Later that day he was given a scan which revealed he had a blockage in his intestine. When trying to eat or drink, it wouldn't pass through - instead the poor little chap would be sick, therefore not getting any nutrition. They stabilised him overnight and operated the next morning. They found that he had an intussusception [a condition where part of the intestine folds into another section of the intestine], resulting in an obstruction. He had to have a further operation a couple of weeks later when his condition deteriorated. However, he recovered fully thanks to our Wefare Officer and the vets at Medivet who worked with Hunter to ensure that he recovered from a life-threatening, very painful and stressful, double ordeal. Hunter has cost us a huge amount of money [if only his owner had him insured] but he truly deserved this chance, battling bravely throughout his ordeal. We are pleased to report that our brave and lovely little chap was adopted by a caring family earlier this month and we hope he will now live a long and healthy life with them. If you would like to support our branch to help other cats, like Hunter, who come into our care every week, please donate. Our branch is run solely by volunteers so all donations go directly to help the cats and kittens in our care. You can read his story via this link:
Timeline Photos
We thank all our friends for their support during 2016 and wish you Happy Christmas and a healthy and peaceful 2017.
Photos from Cats Protection, Lea Valley Branch's post
Please help to find this lovely, 3-yer old, ginger and white boy who went missing on Sunday 18th December from Cuffley Ridgeway (EN6). He is ginger with a bib-shaped white section on his neck and chest and white socks and a stripy tail. Please call 07955394999 or our helpline 0333 567 4746 with any news.
Many thanks to all who enquired about adopting our long-term cat, Little Bea. We are delighted to let you know that she was adopted by a family earlier this month and that Little Bea is now called Toffee. The family find her so adorable and she is gaining confidence daily, to the extent she has recently stayed out all night! Her new ‘mum’ was certainly anxious, but Toffee returned safely. The cat flap is now closed at night and Toffee is only allowed out during the day, ideally just before a meal time, at least while she is still settling-in. Toffee is now a happy cat living with a happy family.
Give #MoreThanAGift this Christmas by helping Lea Valley Cats Protection win up to £500 in the easyfundraising Good Cause Giveaway, just by shopping online! Here's how: 1. Go to and join for free. 2. Buy your Christmas shopping online at over 3,100 shops and sites - including BT, Sainsbury's, John Lewis, Argos and Amazon. 3. Shop twice through easyfundraising this November and Cats Protection Lea Valley Branch will be entered into a draw to win a share of £1,000. Remember, it doesn't cost a penny extra, so please think of the cats that we care for at Lea Valley Branch and shop, shop, win!
Christmas Bazaar
Timeline Photos
Please join our campaign to protect kittens bred for sale. Help change the law to prevent the sale of sick and underage kittens Sadly there are those who, more motivated by money than welfare, are selling kittens that are sick and often far too young to be separated from the mother cat. Buyers report paying hundreds of pounds to private sellers for kittens that are ill and/or under eight weeks old. The true cost of a kitten to a purchaser can be the heartbreak of buying a kitten that becomes sick – and in some cases dies – and facing significant vet bills. Cats Protection has launched a campaign calling for change in the law to protect young kittens from being sold sick and underage. 'The True Cost of Kittens' campaign has been created in response to a growing, commercial market resulting in kittens being bred in poor welfare conditions being sold and landing new owners with hefty vet bills when the poor little creatures become ill. It calls for urgent action to update the law on pet sales and clamp down on those who put money before basic welfare. There have always been individuals prepared to cash-in on the appeal of kittens, it is the growth of the internet and social media that has made access to kittens quicker and easier than ever before. All too often, unsuspecting purchasers buy kittens which are sick and, in many cases, younger than eight weeks old – the minimum age at which they’re ready to leave their mother. The result can be significant suffering for the kitten and hefty vet bills for the owner, which can be emotionally and financially draining. In some cases, the kittens may not survive. Cats Protection is calling on the Government to bring about regulations which would: 1. ban the sale of kittens under eight weeks old; 2. regulate repeat breeding from family cats; and 3. define commercial cat sales. If you’d like to get involved with the campaign, click to sign the e-petition.
Photos from Cats Protection, Lea Valley Branch's post
Please help us to find a home for Little Bea who has been in our care waiting for a new home for 7 months. Little Bea is a sweet, petite, young cat with beautiful tabby/tortie markings. She loves her toys and having her tummy tickled. She may later reward you with tickled feet under the bedclothes! Little Bea may be a little shy to start with, so a calm environment with no young children or dogs would suit her well. She is happy to interact with other placid cats and enjoys their company. Please call our Helpline 0333 567 4746 if you would like to meet this endearing little female with a view to offering her a loving home.
Photos from Cats Protection, Lea Valley Branch's post
This kitten has found a new bed!🐱
Meet the donkeys at Cats Protection's National Cat Centre!
Cats Protection and The Donkey Sanctuary Cats Protection has been working with The Donkey Sanctuary on an unique collaboration that is aimed primarily at the mutual promotion of homing. As like-minded, single species, animal welfare charities we have much in common, so we have an opportunity to help and support each other. It is hoped that, in time, the collaboration will develop into a strong and beneficial partnership and it is envisaged that joint working will develop in many ways. Hopefully, Cats Protection will have a Homing & Information Centre at The Donkey Sanctuary’s main site in Devon later this year. More immediately, Cats Protection has become a ‘donkey guardian’ to a bonded trio of girls at the National Cat Centre. ‘Bonded’ means that they have formed a lifelong friendship and do not like to be apart from each other; they do not even like to be separated by a stable door or fence. It’s very heart-warming to witness such devotion to each other. The new arrivals, Twinkle, Holly and Star, are now being cared for by a team of volunteer helpers. Here’s a link to a video that was filmed as the three girls arrived at the National Cat Centre:
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Hello Friends. We now have an easy way for our supporters to help us to help cats in need - Textgiving. To make a one-off £3 donation, simply text “CATS59” to 70660 or a one-off £5 donation text “KITTEN59“ to 70660. Simples! You can GiftAid your donation too. Our thanks in advance for any donations you make in this way. This is a charity donation service run by a third party for Cats Protection. Texts cost £3 plus network charge for the keyword CATS and £5 plus network charge for the keyword KITTEN. Cats Protection receives 100% of your donation. Obtain bill payer’s permission. Customer Care Number 0800 917 2287. Charity Nos. 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland).
Photos from Cats Protection, Lea Valley Branch's post
We are pleased to announce that, in May 2016, Lea Valley Branch homed its 1,000th cat since 2010! Grateful thanks from all those cats, now in loving homes, to all the volunteers and supporters who contributed to making this achievement possible. Please visit the 'Adopt a cat' page on our website to see some of the cats and kittens in care and help us to home 1,000 more.