Peaceful Warrior in Training
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Unleash Your Warrior Within 7 Day Challenge Day 1 is posted. Hop over and like the page and join us!! Unleash Your Warrior Within 7 Day Challenge is the page name!!
NEW START DATE 14-01-19 A great leap is often required to shift to the next level. Are you ready to take a great leap in 2019 and shift to your next level? Take the first step by joining my Awaken YOUR Warrior Within 7 Day Challenge beginning on Monday 14th of January. Post your name below and I will invite you to our closed Facebook Group. Kick start 2019 the way you should with a Peaceful Heart & Warrior Spirit.
Starting Monday 7th January, 7 Day Unleash YOUR Warrior Within Challenge. Like this post for an invitation.
Peaceful Warrior in Training
Peaceful Warrior in Training
Peaceful Warrior in Training's cover photo