Egham Residents' Association (ERA)
Our Egham, Our Future If you care about:
1) What is going on in our community;
2) Decisions that affect our town; and
3) Egham continuing to be a great place to live...
...then join Egham Residents' Assocation (ERA) today!
Founded in 1983, ERA keeps a watching eye on pressing local issues such as Airtrack, the gravel raising proposals, the Waitrose development and the general maintenance of the town. We liaise with key stakeholders and influencers, and then campaign when required.
ERA is also proactive in its involvement with community events including Magna Carta Day, the Egham Royal Show, Best Kept Garden competition, ERA coach trip and quiz, Egham Community Fair, and other local events and activities. We're currently planning for Egham's Diamond Jubiliee and Olympic celebrations for 2012 too.
The association has approximately 550 members, all of whom live locally in Egham. For the last 25 years, ERA has been focused on continually preserving and improving the facilities in Egham Town and championing the interests of its residents.
The ERA committee (of approx. 12 volunteer members) meets regularly with the town's local councillors (all Independent candidates), police committee, Egham and Englefield Green Consultative Group, and RHUL representatives.
By joining our association membership, you are supporting the ERA committee to carry on its good works in the town and invest in the future of our community. You will also be kept up-to-date with important issues as they arise.
In addition, we are always looking for more committee volunteers to help us expand and develop the activities we are currently involved in, so if that appeals to you, then please get in touch!
Tell your friends
facebook.comWe would love to see you there.
Don't forget to have your say on the expansion of Heathrow. Local consultation events are Thursday 1st Feb at the Hythe Centre or Wednesday 14th Feb at the Village Centre.
Council Tax 2018/19 – Have your say on proposed police funding Would you be prepared to pay more in council tax to sustain our policing levels? That is the question Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) David Munro is asking Surrey’s residents as he today launches his annual budget consultation to help him decide on the police precept for the next financial year. The PCC is inviting the public to fill in a short online survey on whether or not they would support a proposed £12 increase a year to help protect frontline policing over the next year and create a more sustainable service in the years to come. The survey, which closes at midnight on Sunday 14th January, can be found here:
There has been some discussion locally about a planning application on Ripley Avenue and ERA's response. Please find attached our official response and ignore the rumours. You have until 20th December to make any representations to the council. Details below.
ERA are live at the public consultation event. Lots of people here to question. Feedback forms available.
Have had a few contacts asking how have a stall at the Autumn Fair. Please call Kim on 01784 435678.
Don't forget the update on the Theatre School development plans happening this Friday and Saturday. Details on the pics.
All are welcome, a fun community event for everyone living in and around Egham. Cakes, plants, books, gifts from local community organistions.
Still tickets available for the great barn dance at the Egham Royal Show on Saturday evening. Details attached. Come along for a great evening.
Please support this amazing service. Book an appointment in advance.
Greenbelt Review inc. Mrs Caddey’s Field and P&G site (now owned by RHUL). There is a public consultation until Friday 23 June regarding the Green Belt status of a number of sites within Runnymede Borough Council including Mrs Caddey’s Field and the Proctor and Gamble site owned by Royal Holloway. At present they remain within the Green Belt, with the protection against development that that affords. RBC’s Green Belt Review Part 2 (March 2017) however considers taking MCF (Sub-area number 98), together with the Procter & Gamble site (Sub-area number 92), out of the Green Belt. More detail at ,or the documents may be viewed in Egham Library. If you are concerned about this possible loss of local Green Belt status and amenity, then please e-mail; or write to Planning Policy and Strategy Team, Runnymede Borough Council, Civic Centre, Station Road, Addlestone, KT15 2AH, to arrive by the closing date Friday 23 June. We know that our collective voice does make a difference.
Looking forward to Magna Carta Day 2017. Be great to see you there.