CrossFit MTS - Mission Training Systems
CrossFit MTS is a performance-based gym that delivers definitive fitness results. We are Edinburgh's first dedicated CrossFit facility and always evolving.
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Lest we forget
Gym is cancelled this am, apologies for such late notice
Read Emily's story
This event is tomorrow, if you can make it down please do, if can spare a £1 please do. More and more prizes coming in for the raffle, already people signing up for the workout, some are doing it with a friend, their children, their granny, no excuses! If you can walk and tie your shoelace you can do the wod! 30 min class that will involve warmup, instruction and the wod! A whopping £695 donated already - Amazing stuff ! Saturday 3rd September - Crossfit MTS Fundraising WOD in aid of CCLASP 8.30 - 12.30 Please come along and take part in a great fun workout at MTS and raise money in the process - start off September Glowing Gold and sweating it out for a great cause. 1. You don't have to be a member of MTS to take part. Come along and have fun with your friends and family. 2. There are huge amount of raffle prizes to be won! Anyone who has made a donation already is already in the raffle and anyone making a donation will be put in the raffle. So if you can't make it don't let it top you making a donation! So, a drop of the hard stuff: I get we all get asked to donate stuff and money all the time but this is really something that will make a difference to really young children suffering from cancer and their families. When our son Finn was first diagnosed a fellow parent on the ward said , welcome to the club you never wanted to be part of. That is the truth. Any donation , no matter how small will make a difference and put a smile on the face of a child who is dealing with stuff no child should have to. The great raffle prizes donated do far : A fantastic pair of oakleys from Scott mcmorris. - A lovely cut of pork from Ronan and Kurt. - A term of belly dancing and a crate of cider from Elspeth Alexandra. - Some physio from the lovely Polly Mackie . - Haircuts from Fiona Whiteford Edinburgh Blue Barbers - Tattoo voucher from Joanna Kohls Studio XIII Gallery. -Fun and games with a voucher for Locked In Edinburgh courtesy of Jackie Jack. - Massage courtesy of Mandy Costelloe. - A Pilates session with the talented Laura Weavers . - First XV vouchers.... And a few more to update you with: A Montpelier group voucher courtesy of JRE. A voucher for Lululemon from the team at the Edinburgh store. 4 x tickets for a Wasps game at the Ricoh arena, Coventry. 2 x tickets for a Tottenham Hotspur game both courtesy of Under Armour and First XV 2 X tickets to Edinburgh rugby home game at Murrayfield 2 X tickets to Glasgow Warriors home game at scotstoun AND two new hot off the press prizes of .... One Morphsuit of the prize winners choice from Morphsuits and A pair of golf trousers/shorts courtesy of Royal and Awesome ! PLUS - The lovely Tessa Bo Crolla from Straight Up Yoga will be able to put us all through some yoga to recover and not forgetting the fabulous Chris Tait manning the BBQ! For more info email me at or
Read Emily's story
Ola all and Happy Tuesday! Remember to keep the 3rd September free in your diaries! We are only a week and a half away! Fundraising WOD in memory of Kai Laidlaw Pairs workout - £5 entry fee per person 3rd September - 8.30am - midday at Crossfit MTS - Mission Training Systems Remember this is not just for MTS members , anyone can participate and the WOD is suitable for anyone age 3 - 93! Bring the family a long and make a morning of it - Chris Tait is firing up the BBQ with bangers and burgers 🍗🍔🍔 All money raised is going to help fund a toddler room at the Cclasp centre and the new Edinburgh Sick Kids Hospital . We have had some fantastic donations come in so far and great raffle prizes ! Keep them rolling in peeps. More raffle prizes means more funds raised ! The great raffle prizes donated do far : - A fantastic pair of oakleys from Scott mcmorris. - A lovely cut of pork from Ronan and Kurt. - A term of belly dancing from Elspeth Alexandra. - Some physio from the lovely Polly Mackie . - Haircuts from Fiona Whiteford Edinburgh Blue Barbers - Tattoo voucher from Joanna Kohls Studio XIII Gallery. -Fun and games with a voucher for Locked In Edinburghcourtesy of Jackie Jack. - Massage courtesy of Mandy Costelloe. - A Pilates session with the talented Laura Weavers . - First XV vouchers.... ...more to come!!!! Please follow the link to find out more and make a donation . For more info email me at or
Read Emily's story
Ola all and Happy Tuesday! Remember to keep the 3rd September free in your diaries! We are only a week and a half away! Fundraising WOD in memory of Kai Laidlaw Pairs workout - £5 entry fee per person 3rd September - 8.30am - midday at Crossfit MTS - Mission Training Systems Remember this is not just for MTS members , anyone can participate and the WOD is suitable for anyone age 3 - 93! Bring the family a long and make a morning of it - Chris Tait is firing up the BBQ with bangers and burgers 🍗🍔🍔 All money raised is going to help fund a toddler room at the Cclasp centre and the new Edinburgh Sick Kids Hospital . We have had some fantastic donations come in so far and great raffle prizes ! Keep them rolling in peeps. More raffle prizes means more funds raised ! The great raffle prizes donated do far : - A fantastic pair of oakleys from Scott mcmorris. - A lovely cut of pork from Ronan and Kurt. - A term of belly dancing from Elspeth Alexandra. - Some physio from the lovely Polly Mackie . - Haircuts from Fiona Whiteford Edinburgh Blue Barbers - Tattoo voucher from Joanna Kohls Studio XIII Gallery. -Fun and games with a voucher for Locked In Edinburghcourtesy of Jackie Jack. - Massage courtesy of Mandy Costelloe. - A Pilates session with the talented Laura Weavers . - First XV vouchers.... ...more to come!!!! Please follow the link to find out more and make a donation . For more info email me at or
Read Emily's story
Fundraising WOD on SATURDAY 3RD SEPTEMBER to help raise money to help fund a toddler play room at the CCLASP centre being built at the new sick kids hospital here in Edinburgh. The toddler play room is a hugely important place where children being treated by the Oncology and Haematology teams can play and escape from the arduous nature of their treatment. This is all being done in memory of a lovely boy warrior called Kai Laidlaw who sadly lost his fight at the start of 2016. Please take a read below and take a look at the Just Giving page for a fuller story. Come along, take part , bring the kids, the grandparents, the dog! Show them what the power of Crossfit can do when the community gets together. Any raffle prize donations, BBQ volunteers, will be very graciously received. Crossfit MTS – Glowing Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month WOD - Kai (Pairs workout - £5 entry fee per person) Pay on the Day When – 3rd September 2016, 8.30am-Midday Where – Crossfit MTS On 3rd September 2016, the team at Crossfit MTS are running a team workout to help raise funds to create a purpose built toddler room at the CCLASP (Children with Cancer and Leukaemia Advice and Support for Parents) Centre at the site of the New Sick Kids hospital being built in Edinburgh. The WOD is in memory of Kai Laidlaw a childhood cancer warrior who sadly lost his fight against Infant Acute Lymphocytic Leukaemia in January of this year. The funds raised will help pick a theme and furnish everything in the toddler room at the CCLASP centre. Kai’s parents wish is that the room should be furnished with everything a baby or toddler could ever want to make their battle against cancer ever so slightly easier The workout itself is fun and family friendly. It is a pairs workout; your pair can be anyone you want as all the exercises are scaleable. So bring your mums, dads, grannies, grandpas and the kids and all get stuck in together in the name of childhood cancer. As well as the workout there will be a raffle, prizes, BBQ and more. So come along get your sweat on and have fun. ‘ Please see the below Just Giving page for more information on Kai. The event itself is ‘pay on the day’ but if you wish to make a donation direct then just go to the Just Giving page. Contact or for more information.
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Awesome having the Tribe Yoga team in yesterday to try something new! They were a very game and capable bunch and got stuck into everything we programmed for them! Impressive guys with crazy flexibility (obvs). Thanks for coming down guys and going hard out! #crossfitMTS #mtsstrong #forgingelitefitnessinedinburgh #weightlifting #nemomeimpunelacessit @repostapp ・・・ Today @jreeasyday took 4 yogis through what felt like the toughest hour of our lives 😅💪🏼 Thank you so much @crossfitmts ! Will be back soon! #crossfit #workout #yogis #edinburgh #tribeleaders #yogateachers #tribeyoga #happyhealthyyogis 😅
EH Fitness Magazine - Issue 3 check out page 27 for wee editorial, and a wee advert at the front of that time Brooke Ence came to the box 😉
Open gym from 1600-1900 this evening guys
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Rob, one of our old members is having a fundraising wod for one of his athletes, great idea so we thought we would jump on this and help try raise some funds. We will be doing the same wods that rob has set same day - Saturday 7th in class at MTS. Hashtagbobsgarage #crossfit #edinburgh
Hope everyone is having a great week...sick seeing a few vids kicking about this morning of people linking pull ups and getting muscle ups! Celebrate that shiz! Really hoping that what comes out of Diamond Dave's WOD Tombola tonight is something beastly that will allow us all to throwdown together! Excited for 16.3 tomorrow with the whole MTS crew! From 16:30 tomorrow - if any special info necessary you will be informed in the morning after the WOD announcement #TDC #FridayNightLights #hopingforanamrapofrolypolys #MTSStrong
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Exciting news on the eve of the CrossFit Open 2016. We have a CrossFit Kids registered program at MTS in Edinburgh! We will be training kids from ages 3-18. Our future Athletes are in very good hands!