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CWU Wessex South Central Branch

CWU House 285 Chamberlayne Road, Eastleigh, United Kingdom
Political Organization



To give members of our trade union information on local branch activity, national updates and potential changes to working conditions in the UK.
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CWU Branch for the SO/SP postcode areas.
Commitee Members
Branch Secretary -Martin Sheppard (07776130883)
Branch Chairperson- Keith Anderson (07879842059)
Equality Officer- Ben Farrington (07763458953)
Treasurer-Susan Angel-White(02380652891)
Political Officer-Stewart Hardie (07818431663)
Women's Officer- Debbie Kill
Retired Members Officer-Terry Harvey (07790962483)
BAME Officer-
Area Delivery Rep-Rob Hayhurst (07776202098)
Area Safety Rep-Brian Quninsell (07775515350)
Deputy Branch Secretary John McCarthy
Branch Youth Rep Michael Gozzee(02380652891)


Salisbury CWU reps out in force! Darren James Salisbury Unit Rep+Claire the missus, Maciej Szufnarowski BAME officer and Youth Officer Jasmine Lee making the branch proud at the

Here is how I see it! After a bitter stand off for almost 18 months, our chaps at the top table said 'right, enough is enough' Let's face it, the business were offering bugger all!! A few crumbs from the privatised table at best! In all honesty, they were looking to take far more than what was on offer! These petty bribes did not alter our resolve! Our chaps then asked us a question. 'What are you guys prepared to do? Are you prepared to take them on and fight for a better deal?' Our members rose to the challenge, destroyed boundaries the Tories put in our way with their anti trade union legislation and returned a massive yes vote! Still the business tried to thwart us by taking us to court, they won a battle, but the war was far from over! It was a delay, but in the end our ballot held firm! This forced their hand, and even Moya attended negotiations! We dug our heels in and our chaps took them to task. We rose like lions to the challenge, our feet on the ground, showed their strength though gate meetings and our chaps at the top fought a brilliant campaign on social media, engaging every member nationwide! We emerged with an agreement, not everyone will be happy with all aspects of the agreement, and there will be some that would not be happy even if you offered them the world, but, in the current economic climate, it ain't a bad deal! Through unity, we have got an agreement that nowhere near resembles what the business was offering, in fact, our chaps ripped up just about everything that the business had on the table! All this was achieved, without our members having to take one minute of industrial action. Yes, they will probably come after us again in the future, and if they do, we will be waiting! So, in summing up, their people spoke to our people, our people told them to do one. Our people then rose up against their people, and their people realised that our people were going nowhere. Their people took our people to court and won a stay of execution against our people. Our people manned the barricades against their people until their people relented and our people won a good deal for the rest of our people. So now that I have put it in layman's terms, all you have to do now is vote, but vote you must, whatever way you choose. Stewart Hardie. Deputy Area Delivery Rep.

Please sign and share.

Joint meeting in progress. Unit Reps being briefed by area rep Rob Hayhurst on the new agreement. And being trained on the new grievance procedure. ✊

CWU Project Redesign briefing. Branch delegation, Branch Secretary, Martin Sheppard, and Deputy Branch Chair, Stewart Hardie.

JOINT STATEMENT BETWEEN ROYAL MAIL AND THE CWU REGARDING COMPACT LARGE LETTER & LETTER SORTER (CLLLS) - UPDATE Royal Mail and the Communication Workers Union are working together in developing key business policies, mutual interest solutions and a new culture, which is at the core of all the commitments contained in the BT2010 Agreement and the Agenda for Growth, Stability and Long Term Success Agreement. Colleagues will be aware that under a Terms of Reference for a pilot agreed in January 2017 that a CLLLS machine was installed at Exeter Mail Centre. The focus of the project was to protect and enhance Royal Mail’s Large Letter capacity, capability and product range. The intention of the pilot activity was to test the operational viability of the machine to establish if there was a business case to secure investment in additional CLLLS machines, which could be installed in the 9 Mail Centres that do not currently have a TOP2000 machine. In addition it was also anticipated that the prototype TOP2000 machine at North West Midlands Mail Centre (NWMMC) could also be replaced with a CLLLS machine. The agreed Terms of Reference required a joint review of the pilot, which has now taken place and considered all the available evidence and findings. Further to this review it has been decided not to proceed with the purchase of further CLLLS machines at this stage. It has been agreed however that the CLLLS machine used at Exeter will be relocated to NWMMC to replace the ageing prototype TOP2000 machine, which can no longer be upgraded in line with the rest of the estate and planning activity has commenced in this regard.

Salisbury DO #voteyes out in full support as always! They can be a bit feisty though so we keep them behind a gate😂😂😂😂
