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Muma Nurture

Suite 9, The Old Printworks, 20 Wharf Road, Eastbourne, United Kingdom
Women's Health Clinic



Holistic & Specialist Support on Path to Parenthood.
Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Massage, Reflexology for Fertility, Pregnancy & Related Losses. Focus on Fertility Courses.
Centrally located in Eastbourne with good transport links. Holistic & Specialist Support on Path to Parenthood.
Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Massage, Reflexology for Fertility, Pregnancy & Related Losses. Focus on Fertility Courses.
Centrally located in Eastbourne with good transport links.


It’s been a busy day for me today - went to my first Therapist Network meeting this morning in Battle, then caught up with Calmer Self at lunch time and back to base this afternoon - just finishing up now! What have you all been up to today?!

Oh no the poor aloe - think it’s a bit thirsty and desperate for light - oops! Also thinking I need some more plants around the place - any recommendations ...or cuttings you’d like to donate?! Needs to be relatively easy to keep and I’d like ideally plants that would add something to our therapeutic space 😊

“I have been diagnosed with PCOS and advised to go on the pill to regulate, is this what you would advise?” I think it’s worth noting that whenever someone, medically trained or otherwise makes a recommendation ...that’s all it is. The decision is yours, and there may be information outside of that you already know that may change your decision. To the best of my knowledge there isn’t a pill that is going to resolve your PCOS, what it is likely to do is make your periods more manageable and therefore reduce the symptoms. Interestingly when I work with people, often what they haven’t understood is that what the pill does is prevent ovulation. So basically your natural cycle is paused the whole time you are on it. This means any underlying issues that were there when you started taking it will still need be there when you stop taking it. Often when people have been advised to take the pill their issue was 2 fold; yes they had been diagnosed with PCOS, but also they required contraception. PCOS can be improved and managed through lifestyle changes and holistic treatments. If you would like to know more about this, you can book a free initial consultation and have a chat to us confidentially at any time with no obligation to book any further. Also it’s worth noting that the pill contains artificial hormones and not much is known about the long term impact of these on your Fertility when you do decide you want children.

Good Morning! Monday again, weather is rotten isn’t it?! This morning I am grateful to still be in the warm and dry I am grateful for all the bookings I have this week I am grateful for the continual opportunity to learn and develop

Much more productive week than I thought it was going to be at the beginning - in fact I've really enjoyed it! Have FINALLY joined twitter today - yay! Think I've even managed to link it to my FB page!! Also had my FB page Verified! And now looking forward to having a weekend to rest and catch up with friends and family. Hope you're all able to make the most of your weekend too - I shall see you on the other side What are you all doing this weekend?

FYI - I have just booked into a FREE 3 day social media course in hastings 8/15/22 February - there has been a lot of talk of social media and how to use it in the groups I have been to this week - Bizzybirds networking for women / Hailsham Ladies Who Latte meeting If anyone would like the details, let me know and I can forward to you 😊

“I have really been working on my health and well-being to boost my Fertility, but Christmas was so depressing it all went out the window,have I ruined all that I’ve already done?” There is absolutely no point in beating yourself up about what has already passed, all you can change is now. And no, being less healthy over Christmas will not have taken away everything you have already done, it just means you weren’t as healthy for that small period of time. You make choices every day about how you live your life and they can be healthy or unhealthy. If you choose you could accept that that is the choice you made over Christmas and you are going to revert to your previous choices now. Sometimes I think the negative self talk, stress and recriminations are almost more damaging than a bit of indulgence for a week or two. I still have spaces on next weekends free Fertility course - perhaps consider booking and then you would get to learn a lot more about this sort of thing and meet others in a simile situation to yourself potentially strengthening your support network?

Good Morning! This morning I am grateful that I have (almost) made it through my first week back at work! I am grateful the days are getting longer And last but not least I’m glad I have so many catch ups to look forward to this weekend! What are you grateful for today?


NEAR Muma Nurture


Eastbourne, United Kingdom
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