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Mulberry Modelling Works

Meads, Eastbourne, United Kingdom
Professional Service



Design and creation of bespoke model railways/dioramas to customer spec, along with the assembly and repairing of locomotives, rolling stock and buildings. My apprenticeship in the modelling of railways began some twenty or so years back, and I’d be inclined to say it’s an on-going vocation, as I’m of the belief “you learn something new in every model you produce”, be it modifying an RTR item, assembling a kit, or creating a model from scratch.

Up until a few years ago, I’d been modelling the light railway scene of the Great Western in 4mm scale for quite some years, and became rather well known on the exhibition circuit for this, my last layout being "Pudley Lane". A change is as good as the rest though, and now I am modelling the industrial narrow gauge scene in 7mm scale/16.5mm gauge (more commonly known as 0-16.5).

Never a modeller pigeon holed for specialising in a particular field within the hobby, I'm something of an all-rounder, turning my hand to whatever is required to get a model finished to a standard I’m happy to put my name to it. Prior to setting up MMW, I’ve had experience of working within the retail side of model railways, as well as working alongside Nevile Reid at Scenic Model Railway, based in West Kent.

The Mulberry Works itself came to fruition after the frustration of trying to find employment, yet having very little success in the recent economic climate. Previously employed as an electrical engineer assembling control panels and such like, work within the industry began to be contracted out to overseas companies, and those still producing in the UK weren’t able to provide anything in the way of either job security, or decent salary. Many friends had been suggesting I do my modelling for a living, and after giving it some thought, here I am. Also, with none of us getting any younger by the day, I felt it time somebody younger got in on the act to try and keep the trade going……


One project I've got back into working on recently is the diorama that's based on the BICC cable works, of which once existed in Belverdere, Kent. The model is to 4mm scale, with 14mm gauge track to represent the 3'6" prototype. Client has commisioned me to supply the diorama up to the stage where it is in running orded, with the trackwork inlaid where required........I get all the fun jobs, lol.

Whilst attending Expong recently with my demo stand, I made a somewhat alarming discovery, and post this as a word of warning so as nobody else makes the same error! Last year I'd purchased a new soldering iron stand, of which at the time I thought to be brilliant. Being made of metal more or less throughout, I thought it would be better than your common stand than has the hardened coil. Since purchase, I'd been using it on my workbench solely for low temperature work on whitemetal and brass assemblies with no problems, yet at Expong I was intending to use the stand to hold my bog-standard Antex 18watt iron, for some track building. What I came to discover though, after leaving the iron in the stand dormant for some twenty minutes or so, was that the tip of the iron was touching the metal tube within the stand, and the heat was transfering up this and began to melt the irons plastic casing (see photo). So, a replacement iron has been purchased, along with a new stand improved stand that Antex have recently released.

Last Saturday, another completed commission was passed on to a satisfied customer, when I attended Expong, Swanley. This is the baseboard for a small diorama that is to be "Blackberry Hollow". Built to the size of 3'x1'x1', it was produced mostly from 3.6mm ply, with a lid to form a box, keeping it light in weight so as to allow it to be taken on public transport (as demonstrated in one of the pics by yours truly).

Here at The Works, a new improved workbench has appeared......

Proof that, there's room for a model railway in even the smallest of homes......

Just outshopped here at Mulberry Works is this commisioned 7mm scale 0-16.5 narrow gauge brake van. Built from a Wrightlines kit of the Glyn Valley example, it has been modified to have the open ended verendah, along with open doors on each side, and fitted with interior detail.......

The Works is getting some serious coverage......

Another service on offer here at The Works, figure painting..... These two characters come from the Dart Castings range, and are destined for the 7mm narrow gauge brake van build.

More progress on the Glyn Valley brake van build, with the finer details being added.....


Another build is underway, here at The Works.......
