CrossFit Jacana - Durham
We are a CrossFit/functional fitness facility in Durham City. Offing a core strength and conditioning program to all abilities. We are a new CrossFit box coming to Belmont Durham. Keep checking out our page for our opening details and any offers we may have!!!!
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS🎄12 Days of Christmas🎄 Us coaches just can't decide on a final 2. We have managed to whittle the entrants down to 3 people and now its over for you to decide on our 12 Days of Christmas WOD. Here we go...... "Jacana GI Jayne" Jayne Fahey 1. Deadlift @42.5/60kg 2. Wall walks 3. Box jumps @20/24" 4. Clean & jerks @42.5/60kg 5. Pull-ups 6. Air squats 7. Burpees 8. Kettlebell swings @16/24kg 9. Sit-ups 10. Weighted lunges @16/24kg 11. Calories 12. Hundred meter Run "Jill's Jingle DumBells " Jill Suggett 1. Turkish get-up @15/22.5kg 2. Handstand push-up 3. Sit-ups 4. Clean & jerks @35/50kg 5. Box jumps @20/24" 6. Dumbell swings @15/22.5kg 7. Burpees 8. Dumbell alt snatches @15/22.5kg 9. Hang power clean @35/50kg 10. Deadlifts @35/50kg 11. Calories 12. 50m shuttle runs "St. Nic's Naughty List" Nicola Hawes 1. Bar Muscle-up/pull-up 2. Overhead squats @25/35kg 3. Power snatch @25/35kg 4. Lateral burpees 5. Toe-to-bar 6. Box jump overs @20/24" 7. Wallballs @6/9kg 8. Push press @25/35kg 9. Hang power cleans @25/35kg 10. Sit-ups 11. Kettlebell swings @16/24kg 12. Triple-unders/24 Double-unders/48 Single-unders Remember all movements can be scaled. This is just a bit of fun. Please don't be upset if we didn't choose your workout 😂 VOTES WILL BE COUNTED AT 10PM TONIGHT. ANYONE READING THIS POST CAN VOTE.
On the 11th Day of Christmas CrossFit Jacana gave to me..... RJ or Murph?
On the 10th Day of Christmas CrossFit Jacana gave to me....... Jack or Randy?
We are still going strong with our 12 Days of Christmas. On the 9th Day of Christmas CrossFit Jacana gave to me........ Jerry or Griff?
On the 8th day of Christmas CrossFit Jacana gave to me....... Kalsu or Omar?
On the 7th Day of Christmas CrossFit Jacana gave to me......... Jackie or Diane?
On the 6th Day of Christmas CrossFit Jacana gave to me...... Kelly or Nancy. Post your vote in the comments.
On the 5th Day of Christmas CrossFit Jacana gave to me..... Annie or Karen?
On the 4th Day of Christmas CrossFit Jacana gave to me.... Whitten or Helton Two tough hero WOD’s. Research and pop your vote in the comments below.
On the 3rd day of Christmas CrossFit Jacana gave to me...... Mary or Cindy? This could be the closest vote yet.
On the 2nd day of Christmas CrossFit Jacana gave to me....... “Filthy Fifty” or “Fight Gone Bad” Vote for your favourite in the comments and we’ll program it tomorrow.
On the 1st day of Christmas CrossFit Jacana gave to me...... "Grace" or "Isabel" Happy voting 😀