Black Dragon Scotland
Black Dragon Scotland is a multi-style martial arts and self-defence club, non-political & non-profit organisation.
Drumnadrochit & Cannich near Inverness. Black Dragon Scotland is a multi-style martial arts and self defence club, non-political and non-profit organisation, an offshoot of the Black Dragon Martial Arts Academy based in Stockport, England.
Our disciplines include:
Hap Ki Do: Close Quarter Combat, Ju Jitsu, Hand to Hand Fighting and Tai Chi.
The aim is to promote self defence for everybody, Our teaching style is tailored toward the physical ability of the student, and classes are held in a relaxed and friendly environment.
Black Dragon members train the way they please; concentrating on martial arts traditions of all types, whilst keeping an open mind. They don't care too much for Politicians, political views, rankings or personalities. What does matter most is the time spent in dedicated training, spirit, effective techniques and the joy of friendship.
Black Dragon Scotland is a member of the Scottish Fighting Arts Society, the World Martial Arts Council and C.M.A.A. insured.
Classes are held every Wednesday evening, 6.30 to 7.30 at:
The Cannich Hall, Cannich, Strathglass, Inverness-shire, IV4 7LY
And Thursday evenings, 6.30 to 7.30 at:
The Glenurquhart Public Hall, Kilmore Road, Drumnadrochit, Inverness IV63 6XP.
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facebook.comB L A C K D R A G O N S C O T L A N D - C A N N I C H D O J O 6.30pm to 8pm. Come along and try the Highland's Practical and Effective Self-defence system. Class for both adults and children. First class FREE! :)
FightBack: Self-Defence For Women Seminar
3 hour course/seminar reality based self-defence for women broken down into 3 sections: Section 1: Staying Safe. Section 2: Dealing with Aggression. Section 3: Defence and Countering the Weapon. £15 per person, pay on the day, all proceeds go to the Glen Urquhart Public Hall. We are looking to host 20-25 persons, spead the word!
D R A G O N S A S S E M B L E ! Great evening of training at Black Dragon Scotland's Drum Dojo: the Glen Urquhart Public Hall. Starting off with the warm up conducted by Max, thank you Max. Straight into Break-falls next, as with our Cannich Dojo, I am very pleased with everyone in this area of training. Everyone is doing well at their various levels of experience. Great sets from Adam, Leanna, Felix and Max. Great effort from the rest of our students, Zara and Cameron and new "Little Dragon", Joshua. Joshua's first attempt at Break-falls, no training, just watching the others. Well done! :) Kicks next and as at the Cannich Dojo we changed to the two kicks, front kick, front leg straight into back kick, back leg. First time of trying this and most students got it first attempt so very pleased. After tyre kicks we continued with baseball bat/stick attack techniques. First a revisit of the two originals, single-handed attack to top of head and double-handed attack to side of body. Nearly everyone remembered most of these first two, well done :) Then we added two new ones, single-handed swing past and a single-handed overhead attack and past. Easy techniques, difficulty comes in avoiding the bat/stick in the first place! :) The end of a good night's training so have a great week and we'll see you all next week in the same place... On the mat. Sensei K.
Timeline Photos
FIGHTBACK: SELF-DEFENCE FOR WOMEN Hi everyone, it seems many of you are on holiday on Saturday, 15th July, so we are rearranging for the week before, 8th July. I hope this is OK for those of you who have already committed. 12 o'clock start. The course will be broken down into three sections: Section 1: Staying Safe. Section 2: Dealing with Aggression. Section 3: Defence and countering the weapon. We will concentrate on each section for about an hour, small break in between. So we need those name as soon as possible, please contact me through either the club or the Glen Urquhart Public Hall. Sensei K.
B L A C K D R A G O N S C O T L A N D : D R U M D O J O New one and a half hour classes, .6.30 to 8pm. Come along and experience a Practical and Effective Self-defence system at the Glen Urquhart Public Hall every Thursday evening... First Class FREE!
D R A G O N S A S S E M B L E ! Everyone taking well to some new training sessions introduced this evening at Black Dragon Scotland's Cannich Dojo: the Cannich Hall. Kicking off tonight with a very solid warm up conducted by Murray, thank you Murray :) then on to break-falls, as usual nice sets from everyone, very pleased with this area of your training guys, very, very pleased in how quickly Toby has got to grips with his break-falls and the progress Leanna has made with hers. Kicks next: and something a little different this evening, instead of the five kicks, just two. Front kick with front leg, straight into Back kick with back leg, no break in between. Well done to Sempai Anna, Murray, Leanna and Rowan, who all took this new manoeuvre straight away. Great effort from Struan, Sarah, Toby and Jack. Found it a little difficult at first, but got there in the end! :) After Tyre kicks, we had a slightly altered Immediate Drill session. Instead of pairing up we had four students with pads standing at the four corners of the mat. The other four students of tonight's class then went to each corner, do five manoeuvres (Palm-heel strikes, Back fist etc.) Five of the same one, then move round to next corner, five more manoeuvres and so on and so on, swooping round the pad holders after a few minutes with the others. Worked quite well and I think everyone enjoyed it. For the last section of tonight class we revisited the single and double-handed baseball/stick attacks from a couple of month ago, adding a further one (single-handed attack) to finish off. Great effort guys and nice to see how quickly everyone is picking up new techniques. Well that's it for this week at Cannich, see you all next week, as ever... On the mat! Sensei K.
B L A C K D R A G O N S C O T L A N D : C A N N I C H D O J O New one and a half hour classes, .6.30 to 8pm. Come along and experience a Practical and Effective Self-defence system at the Cannich Hall every Wednesday evening... First Class FREE!
FIGHTBACK: SELF-DEFENCE FOR WOMEN Date confirmed as Saturday 15th July at the Glen Urquhart Public Hall, 12 to 3.30pm. We now need names so if everyone who's coming can confirm their attendence we can get this show on the road! :)
D R A G O N S A S S E M B L E ! Very proud of the progress made this evening at Black Dragon Scotland's Drum Dojo, the Glen Urquhart Public Hall, Drumnadrochit. Great warm up conducted very professionally by Zak, thank you. On to Break-falls: Excellent sets from Sempai Anna, Zak, Adam, Max and Felix. Leanna's set continues to progress, as does Zara's. Kick and Tyre kicks up next: Quick fire three rounds of the five kicks then over to Sempai Anna for four kicks to the tyre. Power really coming through now, keep up the good work guys! :) Next: the ten strikes with added blocks, one in the middle with everyone coming in with one strike of their choice, the one in the middle blocking. This went very well. Meanwhile Sempai Anna and Zak took our "Little Dragon" newcomer, Joshua through Kicks, the basics of Break-falls and a few base techniques. Sempai Anna's report is shining for both Joshua on his first lesson and Zak on his capabilities to teach. Back to the rest of the class and so well they all took to the exercise, we added a further round of counter strikes and counter blocks. To finish off this evening, Zara, Leanna, Adam and Gigi went through three Wrist grab techniques, Max and Felix got in a spot of tactical Sparring, adding Zak later for the final couple of minutes. And that was it... As I mentioned at the beginning, I am very proud of this evening class for many reasons, first the progress with the Strikes/Blocks, secondly Sempai Anna's skills with our new "Little Dragon", Joshua and thirdly Zak's assistance with Joshua. Everyone should be very pleased with themselves... Great class, great training! :) See you all next week, where? On the mat... Of course! :) Sensei K.
B L A C K D R A G O N S C O T L A N D - D R U M D O J O CLASS THIS EVENING 6.30 TO 8. Come along to the Glen Urquhart Public Hall and try the Highlands Practical and Effective Martial Arts and Self-defence System... First lesson FREE!
D R A G O N S A S S E M B L E ! Great evening of training at Black Dragon Scotland's Cannich Dojo, the Cannich Hall. Starting with a well conducted warm up taken by Jacob, thank you. On to break-falls and very pleased tonight. Good effort by everyone, excellent sets from Murray, Jacob, Connal, Rowan and Sempai Anna. Great sets from Struan, Sarah and Alistair. Nice first attempts from Toby and newcomer Alfie. Well done everyone! :) Next up: the ten strikes with added blocks. Glad to see so many students remembering so many strikes and executing well timed blocks against them. Kicks and tyre kicks next, real power becoming the norm now, glad to see everything coming together with the kicks. Techniques: repetition is the only way to burn the moves into the brain, so we went back over two Wrist grabs and one Lapel grab. Each time we do these techniques, everyone improves, tonight was no exception. Nice work guys, keep it up! :) That's it for this evening, just one more thing, Sempai Anna found two lottery tickets on the floor near the chairs we put out for the parents. Anyone missing them, let me know. Until next week, where we will see you again... On the mat. Sensei K.