Top Local Places

St Peter's Church, Drayton Bassett

Drayton Lane, Drayton Bassett, United Kingdom
Church/religious organization



We're a Christian community in the village of Drayton Bassett. What do you want in your local church? Help shape and be part of our future...


Confirmation Service

Come along to the confirmation service a week on Sunday and support 2 of our church family, Ray and Gail as they are confirmed by Bishop Clive.

Confirmation Service

Canwell Barn Dance

Canwell Barn Dance

YOU GIVE AND TAKE AWAY (Lichfield Diocesan Renewal Night)

Following Jesus is a joyful adventure but it does not mean his followers are immune from hurt, pain and suffering. How do we respond to God through the hard times? How can we say to God 'Blessed be your name' when it hurts? Join us this evening at St John's Shenstone for an inspiring evening of worship, teaching and prayer where we explore this important and relevant topic. All welcome, wherever you feel you are in your journey of faith.

YOU GIVE AND TAKE AWAY (Lichfield Diocesan Renewal Night)

St Paul's Church, Fazeley

Pastor Charles from India will be visiting the Peel Parishes this week to encourage us in our faith. We'll have an extended time in Thursday morning 9am-10:30am as we pray for St Peters and the Drayton community.

St Paul's Church, Fazeley

Pancake Party tonight at 5:30pm in church! :-)

HEALING PRESENCE - Lichfield Diocesan Renewal Night

Blast away those January blues by joining us at HEALING PRESENCE. This Wednesday night at St Paul's, Fazeley!

HEALING PRESENCE - Lichfield Diocesan Renewal Night

DEPRESSION - something which affects many. What is it? How do we respond to it from a Christian perspective? Join us this Sunday... We are looking forward to welcoming Rev. Oliver Harrison (Vicar of Holy Trinity Wilnecote) to our 9:30am service on Sunday. Oliver will be sharing on this topic. Hope to see you there...

Drayton Bassett Parish Council

Our local Village Council has its own page, do give it a LIKE...

Drayton Bassett Parish Council

Canwell Church

Canwell Church are starting a new toddler group later this month. Click the link for details.

Canwell Church


NEAR St Peter's Church, Drayton Bassett