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Olympus Saddlery Ltd

, Dormans, United Kingdom
Pet Service



Saddlery & online tack shop MANDY MILLER BHS11
Remedial saddle fitter (Trained by Kay Humphries)
Specialising in biomechanics and the effect of ill fitting saddles on movement and behaviour in horses.

Mandy has many years of experience teaching both novice to advaned riders and retaining remedial horses, with an interest in straightness and correct training of the horse and rider.
She is a life instructor member of The Teachers of Tomorrow, and for many years with Charles De Kunffy, Athur Kottas First Chief Rider Spanish School 1995 - 2003, Stephen Clarke FE1 Dressage Judge General and Dr Gerd Heuschmann.
She is also studying with Dr Debbie Marsden Bsc phD to become an Registered Equine Behaviour Consultant. Thus being able to distinguish between pain related issues or behavioural problems.

Saddler (Cumbria School of Saddlery)
Specialising in rebalance/flocking leather and serge Panels.

Tree Adjustments,
Leather Repair Service,
We use the best quality pure wool flock.

We work very closely with our specialist saddle makers in Walsall to first find the tree that it correct for your horse, then we work with the panels and flocking.
Every horse is an individual and has different needs.



Luke Baber-Davies Dressage

Luke Baber-Davies Dressage

Luke Baber-Davies Dressage

Luke Baber-Davies Dressage

Josh Hill Dressage

Josh Hill Dressage

Josh Hill Dressage

Josh Hill riding Jackie Jacqueline Gallois and Ian's Final Highlight in the new Harry Dabbs Saddlemakers Mariella Pro Dressage Saddle. Good luck Josh, Jackie,Ian and Final Highlight.

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Mandy has worked incredibly hard and all the hard work has paid off as we are hugely proud to announce that Mandy Miller is now a Saddle Fitter with The Society of Master Saddlers!!

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Harry Dabbs Saddle Makers

Harry Dabbs Saddle Makers

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We just wanted to share a recent success story! Equi-Check Saddle Assessments by EQUIscan went out to assess a saddle for a client 8 weeks ago and the assessment showed that the saddle was too narrow and that the tree didn't suit the horses shape. We were then asked to go and take a look with Equi-Check to help provide a saddle that will suit the clients horse and supplied / fitted a Harry Dabbs Saddle Makers XF dressage saddle. The difference just visually in 8 weeks was so impressive when we wen't out to reassess yesterday that we just wanted to show you the improvement. We are so delighted with the progress and it just makes everything we do worthwhile. To book your Equi-Check saddle assessment or to enquire more about what they do call on 0333 577 9773 or visit their website at

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Luke Baber-Davies Dressage

The team here at Olympus Mandy Miller, Chris Baber-Davies and Carrie Hedger are very proud of Luke Baber-Davies and Tiddler on their placing today at The Regionals at Hickstead. Lots of love to you both xxx

Luke Baber-Davies Dressage


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