Aware NI
We are the only mental health and depression charity in Northern Ireland working exclusively for those with depression and bi-polar disorder.
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facebook.comWhy I practice Mindfulness
Why I practice Mindfulness - this video features people who have taken an AWARE Mindfulness Programme. Find out why the practice of Mindfulness is so important to them and how it has helped them in their daily lives. AWARE has Mindfulness programmes suitable for beginners and for those already using Mindfulness but wish to deepen their practice. More information can be found here -
Emma Norris' story of depression as a teenager
“I didn’t speak up, and I didn’t seek help. That is my biggest regret.” These are the words of 19 year old Emma Norris who suffered from depression as a teenager. Watch her story of depression and what its like living with the illness whilst studying for her A-Levels. #EmmaNorris #AWARE #Depression
As part of Eating Disorders Week , AWARE and Eating Disorders Association - Northern Ireland are hosting a public talk tonight on the link between Eating Disorders and depression. Research suggests that between 50 and 75% of clients with an eating disorder also experience depression. #edaw17 #depression
Institute of Directors
Today the Institute of Directors released a new report into Mental Health in the Workplace. Businesses are recognising that their employee’s mental wellbeing is just as important as their physical health, but more support is needed. AWARE offer a number of programmes to businesses across Northern Ireland to help support and educate employees on mental health and depression. Get in touch for more information on how we can support you.
Almost half of young people in NI say they've had suicidal thoughts
Really frightening stats in this article from a study conducted by Prince's Trust Northern Ireland. According to this study more than half of young people in Northern Ireland have experienced a mental health issue. If you have a young person around you, take the time to ask them simple questions like, 'how are you?' 'Is there anything bothering you?' Don't be frightened of the answer, just talk them through it. Together we can help all our young people and ensure they do not face mental illness alone.
Aware NI's cover photo
Aware NI's cover photo
Timeline Photos
We have 5 bucket collections coming up in March. If you are able to give us a helping hand at any of these, please get in touch. #teamAWARE
Treatment for depression and anti-depressants
Do you know the various treatment options for depression? For many people, antidepressants play a vital role in their recovery but they aren't the only option for treating depression. Watch Dr Diana Cody explain in more detail about the different treatments for depression. #SundaySupport
Timeline Photos
'On life's journey, everyone loses their way, but some of us find the courage to start again.' Just 3 days left to register to walk the Camino de Santiago for AWARE in September 2017. Register here
Mood Matters Parent and Baby
We have some places left on our Mood Matters course for new and expectant parents. It will cover all aspects of looking after your mental health - during and after pregnancy as well as exploring the signs and symptoms of stress and depression. The course takes place on Thursday 2 March in the Belfast Office of AWARE from 10am - 12pm. To register and find out more information, please click the link.
Time to Change
This video is from the Time to Change campaign in England but it is an excellent video to highlight the importance of being there for a friend if they have depression or any other mental illness. If you notice a friend or loved one acting differently, step in. #inyourcorner