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Deal Walmer & Kingsdown Amateur Rowing club

16-18 The Marina, Deal, United Kingdom
Amateur Sports Team



Deal Rowing Club is a thriving sports club offering coastal rowing both recreational and competitive to all ages, as well as a fully equipped gym for land based training for all our members. We also have a family friendly bar along with a pool table open week days from 7pm. Novice nights for new members on Wednesdays from 6pm over the winter period.


Incident on the beach near the rowing club was unrelated to us, all our members are safe and no one went on the water tonight. Some of our memebers assisted the coastguard's early on. our thoughts go out to all those involved.

Viking Shield results April 2nd 2016 Boys J16 Quads- 1st DEAL Girls J16 Quads- 1st Dover MS2 1st Folkestone, 2nd DEAL A, 5th DEAL B LJ2 1st Southsea, 2nd Bexhill MS4+ 1st DEAL A, 2nd Bexhill, 3rd DEAL B MJ2 1st Southsea, 2nd Bexhill, 3rd DEAL A, 4th DEAL B LJ4+ 1st Bexhill, 2nd Dover, 3rd DEAL MJ/S4+ 1st DEAL B, 2nd DEAL A MJ1X 1st Dover, 2nd Bexhill MN4+ 1st Eastbourne, 2nd DEAL MN1X 1st Dover, 2nd DEAL, 3rd DEAL MS1X 1st DEAL, 2nd Bexhill V40+ 1st Dover V50+ 1st DEAL, 2nd Dover MJ4+ 1st DEAL, 2nd Eastbourne LN4+ 1st Folkestone, 2nd Herne Bay, 3rd DEAL L2X 1st Bexhill/Shoreham Composite, 2nd Dover A

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Tickets available £3 from the bar

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Deal Walmer & Kingsdown Amateur Rowing club

Head of the Adur Race 2016 Results Division 1 1st- Mens Senior Fours- 13:42 James Morton, Luke Mullaney, Will Dennis, Reece Mullaney & Lois Mullaney (NA)- Mens Junior Senior Fours- 14:36 (only entry) Ross Widdett, John Rowarth, Tyler Amos, Reece Giles & Olivia Ford 1st- Mens Junior Fours- 14:58 Max Dawkings, Tom Barwell, William Darlington, Henry Darlingoton & Dana Handely 4th- Mens Novice Fours- 16:57 Sam Dodrill, Jack Dodrill, Ben Seliz, Freddie Darlington & Freya Emmerson 4th- Ladies Senior Pair- 20:51 Emma Boccolini, Amy Holbrook 4th- Ladies Junior Pair- 21:42 Jade Axton, Victoria Ward Division 2 1st- Mens Senior Pair-13:48 James Morton, Reece Mullaney 1st- Mens Senior Scull- 13:27 William Dennis 3rd- Mens Junior Scull- 14:20 John Rowarth 8th- Mens Junior Scull- 15:02 Tyler Amos 4th- Ladies Senior Fours- 16:39 Dana Handley, Jade Axton, Victoria Ward, Amy Holbrook & Matt Handley 3rd- Mens Junior Pair- 14:50 Tom Barwell, William Darlington 4th- Ladies Novice Four- 17:11 Ruby, Emma Boccolini, Lauren Kemp, Freya Emmerson & Olivia Ford Well done to all our crews! some great results for everyone! keep up the hard work! Full Results

*** NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS *** The Club Captain would like to remind all members of the Novice Night arrangements. Novice Night is on a Wednesday, from 18:00 until 19:00. Would all members who wish to train on a Wednesday, please ensure they are finished and out of the gym by 18:00 to allow the Novice Night session to commence. Please also remain clear of the gym during the Novice Night session to allow the Novices and their coaches the time to carry out their session. Thank you for your cooperation. Steve Duncan Club Captain

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Come along to our Valantines party!

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Deal Rowing Club Old Members and Supporters Association £10.00 per year Membership Why not join the Old Members and Supporters Association?? If you are an old Rowing Member, or just wish to use the facilities socially, you can become a member of the OMA. The OMA allows the use of the Club Bar facility, and to partake in the events held by the Club. (Not included is the use of any Gym Equipment, or use of the Boats etc). The OMA does fantastic work to support the Rowing Club, and they need as many members as they can to help run events and support our fantastic Club. If you wish to become a member, please feel free to speak to anyone at the Bar of the Club. We look forward to welcoming you in!

PAINTBALLING Saturday 23rd January Must be paid in full by Friday morning (he will be down the club from 18:30 tonight!) Details: £15.00 per person. All members welcome but paintballers must be over 12. Price includes: Full day entry, Lunch, Gun hire, Camo outfit, Ammo Pack, 100 free paintballs per person and then Curry back at the Rowing Club in the evening. Plenty of space if you haven't already confirmed, can accommodate up to 100 people. Anyone not going to the Paintball event is invited to a curry in the evening, £5.00 per head.

For all of those members who are on the Committee; Please note that there is NOT A MEETING TONIGHT. The meeting is NEXT Tuesday (12th January). This was to allow everyone time after the Christmas Break to gather their thoughts on their respective "Departments", and not to rush back having not thought about much other than Turkey and Beer! Looking forward to seeing all of the Committee on 12th January. Karl
