Acinonyx Canine Massage
Canine massage for rehabilitation after surgery, pre/post event massage or for pets who need a relaxing pamper. (Still in training)
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Please be aware! Some dogs need space!
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Finished Jake's course of massages yesterday, will miss seeing this gorgeous boy!
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Please be careful with your dogs, especially brachycephalic breeds e.g. Pugs, and large, double coated breeds e.g. Malamutes! It's just not worth risking their health for a bit of sunshine.
Checking Your Dog’s Legs for Signs of Osteosarcoma
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Acinonyx Canine Massage
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Lovely Jake has his first massage today, he was the perfect patient. He has had a bit of stiffness in his back legs but he really enjoyed having his muscles worked. Hopefully we should see the benefits of the treatment soon, the massage will increase blood flow to the muscles thereby promoting healing.
Photos from Acinonyx Canine Massage's post
Massaged these two little beauties this morning, Nutmeg and Tilley, they were very good girls for their first time.
Photos from Acinonyx Canine Massage's post
Best place to find a pulse on your dog is the femoral artery on the inside of the thigh. Dog pulse rates should be: 60-100 beats per minute for large breeds and 100-140 for small breeds and puppies
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Parasympathetic v Sympathetic nerves in the canine body
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Keep an eye out for these symptoms, Bloat is a killer!!