Dailly Primary School
This is an official Dailly Primary & EYC group for people who are interested in, and supportive of, Dailly Primary School and Early Years Centre.
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facebook.comFrom tomorrow, the Pupil Council will be opening the Stationery Shop on Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunch time. Items from10p 😀
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The infant building being demolished 21.4.17
I've just given to Dailly Primary's page on JustGiving. Dailly Primary is fundraising for Cancer Research UK.
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Huge thanks to RSMcColl for their donation of Easter eggs for all the children, as you can see they are all very happy and excited. The. Early Years Centre will receive theirs when school restarts after the holidays, they are safely stored away from staff in the fridge!
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Miss McDonald, soon to be Mrs Morrison, with Ava on her last day at Dailly before she heads off to be Acting HT at Gardenrose Primary School until January.
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Nice selection of eggs donated for Easter raffle next week. We will be able to raffle 5 prizes each day. Donations still being accepted throughout the week if anyone still wishes to hand an egg in 😁. Thank you to all who have supported us in this fundraiser.
If you wish to contact the school by telephone the main number to use is: 01465 716807 The other line (01465 811258) is not set up properly yet and should only be used when the main number is not available. Thank you
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Science Week next week, an information letter has been sent home, please check your child's bag. Please send outdoor clothing for the following days: P1/2 - Wednesday afternoon P3/4 - Monday afternoon P5-7 - Tuesday afternoon All parents/careers are welcome to join these sessions and the car challenge Friday morning after break, 10.30-12.00.
First classes take place as Dailly's new Primary School opens its doors | Ayrshire Daily News