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Tanyard Muirkirk Group

2 Tanyard, Cumnock, United Kingdom
Family Medicine Practice



Tanyard Medical Practice is a semi-rural NHS surgery that offers a wide range of services to the local community.  Tanyard Medical Practice Team is forward thinking and want to engage with the people that form our community. The reason for this page is to  enter the digital era and communicate with our community. We would like to listen and engage in constructive conversation to improve the services.
This is not an alternative way for emergency contact with the practice.  


Flu Vaccine Clinics #FluClinics #FluVaccine #FreeFluVaccineChronicDisease Muirkirk will be open between 9 am and 12 noon on Saturday 07/10/2017. Cumnock will be open between 8.30 am and 12 noon on Saturday 07/10/2017.

Flu Vaccine Clinics We are running an open clinic at both Muirkirk and Cumnock on 07/10/2017 - no appointment is necessary. If you suffer from COPD, Asthma (using inhaled steroids), Chronic Heart Disease, Kidney Disease, Liver Disease, Stroke/TIA, Diabetes or if you are currently immunosuppressed, pregnant, are an unpaid or young carer or are aged over 65 you are entitled to a flu vaccine. Muirkirk will be open between 9 am and 12 noon on Saturday 07/10/2017. Cumnock will be open between 8.30 am and 12 noon on Saturday 07/10/2017. Please share.

September Holiday Weekend Please note that both surgeries will be open as usual on Friday 15/09/2017 and Monday 18/09/2017 (this is the local holiday). Both surgeries will be closed on Friday 22/09/2017 and Monday 25/09/2017. Please share.

#waitingtime #physiotherapy #workinghealthservice Dear All it came to our attention, we as a community not utilising Physiotherapy for people who work in small businesses. Our Physiotherapy waiting time is long but any one fit the criteria below please use this service and you will be seen quicker and someone else will use general Physiotherapy slot.

The computer system at Muirkirk Surgery is down today. Telicom engineers are working on this at the moment. Please bear with us - we will have the system back up and running as soon as possible. Please share.

We appear to have a fault with the phone lines/computers at Muirkirk. We are trying to resolve this issue. If you have an emergency please telephone Cumnock on 01290 421157. Please share.

Unreasonable demands and lack of community support will be the straw that brake the GPS. We have couped with lack of resources for years.

Both surgeries are now closed until 8.30 am on Tuesday 18/04/17. If you require medical advice before then please contact NHS 24 on 111, or in an emergency dial 999.

Sorry! The phone lines are now back down for Muirkirk Surgery. Could you please use the mobile number again - 075674 614 521. We will keep you informed of progress on the problem. Please share.

The phone lines to Muirkirk Surgery have now been fixed. Please use the normal numbers, and please share. Thank you for bearing with us over the past few days.

***** please share and tag friends in Muirkirik****** Dear all, Muirkirk phone lines are not back to normal, please use 07564614521 as an alternative methode of calling from Thursday 23 February 2017 ***please share and tag so everyone in Muirkirk knows about this*****
