Chaplains Consett
Chaplains is now under new ownership and due to undergo a refurbishment in the near future. Only quality drinks now served.
The new owner also owns Braes, Time, Union and k2.
We hope to see you all in chaplains soon :)
Tell your friends
facebook.comThirsty Thursday and Skint Sundays are back Fosters btls wkd blush Becks VS All £1.50❗️
Challenge 25 - ID Scanning in Operation If you're out over Christmas using someone else's ID don't be surprised when it gets taken off you and refused entry! The police will then return it to its owner who may be subject to a fine!
Be aware! Their are some good copy £20 notes floating around. Make sure you don't get caught out. PubWatch Consett Police Station
Chaplains Consett
Timeline Photos
Timeline Photos
K2 Saturday Night OPEN 1 EXTRA HOUR [As Clocks Go Back] Lost of Scary Give Aways You'll Have A BLOODY GOOD NIGHT!!
Chaplains Consett
Timeline Photos
THIRSTY THURSDAY 🎉🍻🍺 Chaplains open from 9pm Union open from 10pm Fosters bottles £1.50 Becks £1.50 All VS £1.50 Selected shots £1.50 3 jäger bombs £5 🚫Strict ID checks in operation🚫 DONT FORGET YOUR ID OR YOU WILL BE REFUSED ENTRY
SKiiNT SUNDAYS £1.50 Bottles of VS £1.50 Bottles of Fosters £1.50 Bottes of Becks 3 Jaga Bomba £5 £1 vodka Jelly £1 Sambucca £1 Tequila
Bank Holiday Weekend Thirsty Thursdays [Selection of Drinks £1.50] Friday [Doors Open 9] Saturday [Doors Open 9] Sunday [Doors Open 8] With DJ Jordan Donnellan Spinning the TOP TUNES till late.
Timeline Photos