Willies Orphan Fund
Willies Orphan Fund came about as the result of one man’s reaction to the horrors of the 2004 Boxing Day Asian Tsunami and especially the effect it had on young people orphaned in Thailand. WOF gives a second chance.
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facebook.comThe G Mac treatment room is still as busy as ever , thanks for all your kind support G Mac
A very big thank you to everyone who has sent me messages of support for Khun Rotjana over the past week or so and of course the hundreds of earlier messages emails and phone calls of support I received before I left on Sunday night to visit Khun Rotjana I got home last night ,and even though I was only away a few days a lot was achieved and accomplished, a very big thank you to the two local NI men who work for Emirates air lines who helped me with my flights , and Stephen Duke, Joanne Coyles ,Stephen Lockheart and Milne Rountree and Gill Williams who looked after Willies Orphan Fund in my absence Khun Rotjana has now got several aggressive cancers and has had all the radio treatment she could handle and refusing chemo and not having any other cancer surgery, Khun Rotjana is giving this curse a good fight , in her own way. The first thing was to get Khun Rotjana out of a state run hospital where she was being looked after, as best they could and without the expert help that she really needed, this hospital did all it could for her but was very basic, a big decision was made and not with her blessing I can tell you to get Khun Rotjana to The Bangkok hospital in Phuket town The ICU in Phuket was a long distance south, in a very slow ambulance journey, but this was paramount to get Khun Rotjana into ICU as her pain was very severe , once there she was made as comfortable as possible, on Wednesday Khun Rotjana was strong enough to be moved from ICU to a private ward , all equipment apart from a little oxygen feed was removed ,Khun Rotjana's heart and blood pressure levels are normal , and she is receiving morphine several times a day Khun Rotjana is having x-ray's this morning and if the doctors agree she is strong enough to travel, she will be in her own bed at the orphanage tonight , where there is quite a few budding nurses waiting to see her, some only a few years old , but they all want to help I know being home in her own bed at the orphanage with her own family and the orphans around her will make this very sad tough time a little bit more comfortable and less stressful for her I promised her and the orphanage managers I will continue to bring parties of orphans to NI and continue Willies Orphan Fund education foundation for as long as I can Khun Rotjana sends her love and thanks to all the NI people she meet and who have supported Willies Orphan Fund over the years and of course we all sang Stay The Way You Are around her bed before I said my good byes
We would like to let you all know that Rotjana has been transferred to a first class hospital intensive care unit. She is surrounded by her family and Willie is by her side. Please pray tonight for her and her loved ones, this lady has committed her life to helping orphaned children for many years and even with her bad health she continues to humble those around her with her love and strength!! Please allow your thoughts and prayers to be with Rotjana and her family tonight. 🙏
Willie talks to Frank Mitchell of U105.8 on Friday past about the ongoing work of Willies Orphan Fund as well as discussing his current trip to visit Rotjana in Thailand. You can listen to the full interview here! Simply click on the link below. :-) http://www.williesorphanfund.com/Willie&FrankUTV10-11-17.mp3
Thinking of Willie as he makes the long journey today to Baan Than Namchai Orphanage in Thailand. Please remember him in your thoughts and prayers, as well as Rotjana, her daughter, her mum, all the devoted staff and all of the children who call Rotjana Mum. Sending you all love and strength from knowing how much people care ❤️
Going through some photos , to take out to Rotjana on Sunday, I think this photo just says it all
Hi Rotjana Glad your out of hospital , and back home at the orphanage talk soon Khun Willie xx
This Man is special, and for once I don't mean Mr Beckham