Slitherin Reptiles Ltd
Slitherin Reptiles supply's the public with the best exotic animals and foods with great customer care and knowledge. We run though appointments only. Our page is about informing you about our business and products we offer at compatible prices We stock everything exotic. We breed and sell all types of reptiles. if you want to get over your fear of snakes or spiders come in to our shop and we will help you beat those fears please come down to Slitherin Reptiles
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facebook.comHuge delivery of corn snakes coming in this week! Keep your eye on our page to see what livestock is arriving!🐍🐍
One of our favourites of all the animals that arrived with us last month. The jacksons chameleon is absolutely stunning🦎
This month plenty of deals on inverts 🕷🕷
SMALL JUVENILE Water Dragons (Physignathus cocincinus) The ever-popular water dragons require little introduction. A great pet and display animal for the larger terraria. We have some lovely juvenile animals on offer this week. Please message the team for more information. 🦎🦎
That’s what you get for teasing your dragon 😂
NEW INVERT LIST!🕷🕷🕷 SUB ADULTS - ADULT TARANTULAS Nicaraguan Tan Front (Aphonopelma crinirufum) SA/A £30.00 Golden Baboon (Augacephalus ezendami) SA/A £35.00 Eastern Horned Baboon (Ceratogyrus darlingi) SA/A £29.00 Unicorn Horned Baboon (Ceratogyrus marshalli) SA/A £29.00 Mexican Tiger Rump (Cyclosternum pentalore) SA £25.00 Sulawesi Black (Cyriopagopus carpenteri) AF £69.99 Borneo Orange Fringed (Cyriopagopus doriae) AF £65.00 Marks Baboon (Harpactira marksi) SA £35.00 Peru Red & Black (Holothele rondoni) SA/A £29.00 Peru Blondes (Lasiodorides polycusplatus) SA/A £49.00 Peruvian Brown Velvet (Megaphobema velvetosoma) SA/A £49.00 Brazilian Giant Orange (Nhandu tripeii) SA £35.00 Blue Querzon Earth Tiger (Orphanaecus sp. "Blue Querzon") AF £35.00 Sri Lankan Ornamental (Poecilotheria fasciata) SA £28.00 Mysore Ornamental (Poecilotheria striata) SA £35.00 Pedersens Ornamental (Poecilotheria vittata) SA £35.00 Nicaraguan Gold (Stichoplastoris sp. "Nicaragua") SA/A £29.00 JUVENILE TARANTULAS Giant White Knee (Acanthoscurria geniculata) 6-8cm £17.99 Mexican Red Knee (Brachypelma hamorii) 8cm £35.00 Zimbabwe Grey Baboon (Ceratogyrus sanderi) 5-7cm £18.00 Dark EarthTiger (Chilobrachys sp. "Kaeng Krachan") 6cm £15.00 Lavender Earth Tiger (Chilobrachys sp. "Nong Ya Blonk") 6cm £15.00 Hoggs Blue Femur (Coremiocnemis hoggi) 5-6cm £65.00 Mexican Tiger Rump (Cyclosternum pentalore) 5-6cm £18.00 Ding Dong Earth Tiger (Cyriopagopus sp. "Lam Dong") 4-5cm £60.00 Bahia Scarlet Birdeater (Lasiodora klugi) 4-7cm £16.99 Salmon Pink (Lasiodora parahybana) 5-7cm £14.99 Colombian Giant (Megaphobema robustum) 8-10cm £35.00 Socotra Blue Baboon (Monocentrophus balfouri) 5-7cm £35.00 White Striped Birdeater (Nhandu chromatus) 6-8cm £20.00 Fringed Ornamental (Poecilotheria ornata) 7-9cm £28.00 Indian Ornamental (Poecilotheria regalis) 6cm £14.99 Mysore Ornamental (Poecilotheria striata) 6cm £14.99 Tiger Ornamental (Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli) 8cm £19.99 Venezuelan Sun Tiger (Psalmopoeus irminia) 6-8cm £28.00 Whistling Spider (Selencosmia crassipes) 5-6cm £20.00 SPIDERLINGS Nicaraguan Tan Front (Aphonopelma crinirufum) 1cm £6.00 Mexican Gold Red Rump (Brachypelma albiceps) 1cm £8.00 Mexican Red Rump (Brachypelma vagans) 1cm £3.00 Indian Violet Earth Tiger (Chilobrachys fimbriatus) 1-2cm £4.00 Kobal Spien Earth Tiger (Chilobrachys sp. "Kobal Spien") 2cm £4.00 Penang Pink Earth Tiger (Chilobrachys sp."Penang") 1-2cm £4.00 Giant Dwarf Tiger (Cyriocosmus giganteus) 0.5cm £40.00 Chaco Golden Knee (Grammostola pulchripes) 1cm £6.00 Brazilian Black (Grammostola pulchra) 1cm £25.00 Marks Baboon (Harpactira marksi) 1cm £15.00 Golden Blue Leg Baboon (Harpactira pulcheripes) 1-2cm £35.00 Salmon Pink (Lasiodora parahybana) 1cm £3.00 Suriname Red Patch (Neostenostarsus "Suriname") 0.5cm £8.00 White Striped Birdeater (Nhandu chromatus) 1cm £4.00 Malaysian Earth Tiger (Omothymus schioedtei) 2cm £8.00 Laos Earth Tiger (Ornithoctonus sp. "Laos") 2cm £25.00 Panay Blue Earth Tiger (Orphaneus sp. "Blue") 1cm £6.00 King Baboon (Pelinobius muticus) 1-2cm £7.00 Sarawak Earth Tiger (Phormingochilus everetti) 2cm £25.00 Gooty Ornamental (Poecilotheria metallica) 2cm £25.00 Venezuelan Suntiger (Psalmopoeus irminia) 2cm £6.00 Panama Blond (Psalmopoeus pulcher) 1-2cm £6.00 Costa Rican Orange Mouth (Psalmopoeus reduncus) 2cm £4.00 Careless Whisperer (Psalmopoeus victorii) 2cm £50.00 Sazmia's Tarantula (Pterinopelma sazmai) 1cm £6.00 Orange Bitey Thing (Pterinochilus murinus) RCF 1-2cm £6.00 Feather Leg Baboon (Stromatopelma calceatum) 1cm £5.00 Orange Tree Spider (Tapinauchenius gigas) 1-2cm £6.00 Caribbean Diamond (Tapinauchenius sp. "CD") 1cm £10.00 Violet Tree Spider (Tapinauchenius violaceus) 1cm £5.00 Guyana Goliath Birdeaters (Theraphosa strimi) 3cm £35.00 Flame Rump Tree Spider (Thrixopelma ockerti) 1-2cm £6.00 BREEDING PAIRS / MATURE MALES: 1.0 Tiger Ornamental (Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli) MM £20.00 1.0 Asian Chevron (Haplopelma vonwirthi) MM £12.00 1.1 Brazilian Giant Orange (Nhandu tripeii) SA Pair £65.00 OTHER SPIDERS: Black Tunnel Web (Porrhothele antipodiana) 1cm £6.00 View Other Spiders on the Website SCORPIONS Giant Flat Rock (Hadogenes troglodytes) L-XL £25.00 Tri Coloured Scorpion (Opistophthalmus glabifrons) M £24.99 PRAYING MANTIS Giant Shield Mantis (Rhombodera basalis) L3+ £7.95 African Lined Mantis (Sphodromantis lineola) L3+ £7.95 Millipedes: Red Fire Millipedes (Centrobolus sp.) £7.99 Rainbow Millipedes (Tonkibolous dolfusii) M-L £6.99 Centipedes: Java Giant Centipede (Scolopendra cf. subspinipes) L £35.00 Other: Owl Butterfly (Caligo memnon) Cocoons £4.99 Blue Morpho (Morpho peleides) Cocoons £5.99 White Morpho (Morpho polyphemus) Cocoons £7.99 Purple Vampire (Geosesarma bicolor) £9.99 Red Claw Vampire Crabs (Geosesarma hagen) £9.99 Tropical Grey Isopods (Porcelinodes pruinosus) Culture £4.99 Giant Orange Isopods Slitherin Reptiles
Check out this video showing you the steps on how to create a beautiful Bio-Active Set Up 🦎🌱
CB TRIO Green Keel Bellied Lizard (Gastropholis prasina) £1,499.99 This classy species is a real beauty. Emerald green with a long prehensile tail. They require a tall planted terrarium to allow them to display their superb climbing abilities. As with all climbing species be careful the animals cannot get too close to the light tube. Radiation burns and eye damage is real possibility. A fantastic lizard to add to your collection. Slitherin reptiles 🦎
ReptiHabitat Snake Kit £125.00 Watch the video to find out more!