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Ali's Country Kitchen

Orchard House, Orchard Ave, Clevedon, United Kingdom



I love food! Whatever it is you want to eat, I can make it, from an office lunch to canapés for a party, or personalised bespoke cakes.  


Small compensation for being home.. zero food miles... these are ones that got away (from me!). So glad I’m so slack with my gardening!

Small compensation for being home.. zero food miles... these are ones that got away (from me!). So glad I’m so slack with my gardening!

Photos from Ali's Country Kitchen's post

Missing the food of Italy!

Photos from Ali's Country Kitchen's post

Photos from Ali's Country Kitchen's post

So, last night I had a first! I had Tripe for dinner!! My Grandad used to eat it boiled with vinegar on it - a major memory from my youth - looked/smelled absolutely disgusting... and chewy! It is considered a delicacy in Tuscany, and appears often on the menus. Last night - in the most bizarre of restaurants - I tried it. Cooked with fish, in a sauce and it was absolutely delicious!! The lengths I go to for Ali’s Country Kitchen research!! Be warned though.. amongst the other pix, it is the most disturbing!

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Me & Burrata... we’re very close... one a day, thus far!

Me & Burrata... we’re very close... one a day, thus far!

Photos from Ali's Country Kitchen's post

The food.... Milan...

Photos from Ali's Country Kitchen's post

Photos from Ali's Country Kitchen's post

Everything in Italy is done beautifully... and that’s not an Espresso Martini... it’s just coffee!

Photos from Ali's Country Kitchen's post

Photos from Ali's Country Kitchen's post

Research going well thus far...

Photos from Ali's Country Kitchen's post

Taking a break... back at the Aga August 11th!

Taking a break... back at the Aga August 11th!

Some of these little beauties going out of my kitchen this morning!

Some of these little beauties going out of my kitchen this morning!

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The perks of my job!

Photos from Ali's Country Kitchen's post

Photos from Ali's Country Kitchen's post

Pretty food today! Happy days!

Photos from Ali's Country Kitchen's post

Photos from Ali's Country Kitchen's post

The downside to feeding all those people in the woods... the washing up! Mostly today, I have been washing up! But with the view from the kitchen at The Brown Rock Woodland Project, it would be churlish to complain ♥️

Photos from Ali's Country Kitchen's post
