EnVie Lingerie
Welcome to EnVie Lingerie, here to satisfy all your lingerie and swimwear needs, including plus sizes and bra sized swimwear with exceptional fit right up to a K cup. Visit us at www.envie4u.co.uk
https://twitter.com/EnvieLingerie Specialists in bra size swimwear and plus size swimwear fitting right up to a K cup. Our swimwear for women is hand picked from leading designer brands Panache Swimwear, Freya Swimwear, Fantasie, Moontide and Curvy Kate. We also offer sexy bras in abundance including a and aa cup gel bras, plus size bras & big bras in h, j and k cup.With over 20 years experience in lingerie and swimwear we are able to offer expert fitting advice by phone or email which makes such a big difference if you don't know a certain brand.
Envie is a leading supplier of Anita Lingerie, we stock all 5 ranges, including Anita Rosa Faia, Anita Comfort, Anita Active, Anita Care Mastectomy and Anita Maternity. Anita bras are renowned for their comfort and sought after worldwide, and offer an excellent choice of big bras in large cup sizes.
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Bravado Body Silk Seamless #Nursing_Bra is all that you need! #Comfortable and expandable, this high-quality #bra features removable lightweight foam cups. Know more at bit.ly/2pT13pE
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In search of a perfect #nursing_bra? Make a quick selection from our massive #Bravado Nursing #Bra collection now! bit.ly/2qS4ESw
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DOGS SNIFFING OUT BREAST CANCER IN NHS TRIALS For many years now there have been reports from people claiming their dog sniffed out their cancer, even actress Shannen Doherty believes her dog detected her breast cancer before it was diagnosed by her doctors. Until now however, these reports have been nothing more than hearsay. In a trial approved by the NHS, scientists hope to finally test this theory and determine whether or not a dog can accurately detect prostate, bladder and breast cancers. Medical Detection Dogs, a charity which works with NHS trusts and universities, has had approval from Milton Keynes University Hospital to test urine samples from patients in order to find out whether or not dogs are able to accurately detect which patients have cancer. It is believed that cancer cells release chemicals or ‘volatiles’ which are then disposed of by the body through urine and it is these compounds which dogs are able to detect. Dogs have a very keen sense of smell and are able to detect tiny odour concentrations, around one part per trillion (the equivalent of one teaspoon of sugar in two Olympic sized swimming pools) which is why they are able to detect diseases, such as cancer, much earlier than current tests allow. In an earlier study looking at prostate cancer the medical dogs were able to correctly detect prostate cancer in 93% of cases. The new trial looks at bladder cancers and breast cancers. If proved successful, scientists hope that specifically trained dogs will be able to provide additional testing for cancers that are currently difficult to diagnose reliably. In the long term, they hope to develop an electronic system or E-nose to replace the dogs in detecting the cancer volatiles which could ultimately replace the need for biopsies to be taken.
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Even more amazing news, we have been shortlisted in 2 more categories, in the UK Lingerie Awards 2016 - Customer service Provider of the Year and Online Retailer of the Year Wish us luck to be revealed in November!!
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Amazing news, we have been shortlisted, 1st time ever, for the UK Lingerie Awards - Fit and Styling Award! The standard of entries this year was incredibly high, which made judging a tough task, and we would like to thank everyone who put so much hard work into contributing towards the nominations process. We can now reveal that the five retailers that have made the shortlist for the Fit & Styling Award are: Chantilly Bustles Boutique Envie Lingerie Little Big Bra Shop Mish The winners will be announced in a special feature in the December issue of Lingerie Insight. The UK Lingerie Awards offers a number of hugely valuable sponsorship and marketing opportunities for lingerie brands looking to further their market exposure and reach Lingerie Insight’s engaged audience of industry professionals and buyers. Wish us luck!!!
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Vintage Corselettes so very popular, take a look at these from Berdita, http://www.envie4u.co.uk/panty-corselette-with-zip-berdita.html
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New research has shown that there are SIX distinct kinds of parents. What’s more, the category your parenting falls into has a big effect on your children’s futures. So what kind of a parent are you? Researchers from Kobe University in Japan have studied the results of a survey of 5,000 men and women, who were asked about their relationship with their parents. They found that our upbringing DOES shape and influence our future lives, and have come up with six different types of parenting styles, from supportive to strict. 1 Supportive parents Give their children high levels of trust, showed a high level of interest in them and spent a lot of time with them. These children reported higher happiness levels, earning more and enjoying good levels of success. 2 Strict parents Give children little independence, showed low levels of trust, and had a lot of rules. These children enjoyed some advantages – they grew up to be wealthier than average and did well at school. However, they reported low levels of contentment, and said they suffered stress as adults. 3 Indulgent parents Are relaxed about discipline and spend an average amount of time with their children. Children of these parents had slightly better than average earning and happiness levels. 4 Easygoing parents Show low levels of interest in their child. Easygoing parents led to children having lower than average earnings and levels of happiness. 5 Harsh parents Do not trust their children and give them little independence. Children of harsh parents reported the lowest success and happiness levels. 6 Average parents Scored average in all categories. This group was used as a control to compare to the rest. It's perhaps unsurprising that people who grow up with supportive parents are happier, but the fact having supportive parents helped boost future salaries is more eye-opening. Those with supportive parents were also more likely to get high grades at school and have less chance of dying early. Indulgent, easygoing and harsh parents did not equip their children with the positive mentality that only children of supportive parents had. These children also earned less on average than children whose parents supported them. How to be a supportive parent Parenting coach Elaine Halligan has this advice for parents who want to ensure that their children feel supported. "Self-esteem comes primarily from parents' approval, and the key to it is ensuring she feels understood, respected, heard, and valued for who she is, and building a strong relationship, based on 'three pillars' – listening, praising, and positively reinforcing boundaries." Elaine believes that listening to feelings, thoughts, ideas and opinions without judgement and without offering too much advice, is vital. "By the time many children approach their teens, they've developed a strategy of not talking to their parents, for fear of being nagged or told what to do or being judged or criticised for what they share." She believes active and reflective listening is important when it comes to being a supportive parent. This means listening to your child if she talks about her concerns and achievements, and then repeating them back to show you've understood, without offering judgemental comments. Elaine said: "Praising her descriptively will motivate her, and ensure she knows she's valued. And clear, consistent boundaries give tweens the security from which they can develop their increasingly independent lives." So what kind of parenting category do you think you might fall into? Let us know.
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October if Breast Cancer Month, HELP US MAKE A DIFFERENCE We invite you to join the Pink October movement to help us in the fight against breast cancer.
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Yeahh!! We have made it to the final again for the Stars Underlines Awards, which for any of you who haven't heard of it, is the Lingerie Oscars of the underwear world! Held on 10th November in London, looking forward to it, wish us luck!! Take a look at our nominated e-store here www.envie4u.co.uk .