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facebook.comLast night of our FSM prophetic school. Teaching on judging, processing & mobilising prophetic words. #trainingageneration #revelationreleasesdestiny
Awaken the Prophetic
AWAKEN THE PROPHETIC" "Follow the way of LOVE - Eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit especially the gift of prophesy" (1Cor 14:1) FFM/SSM (School of Ministry) launches "Awaken The Prophetic" Friday 7th April @ 7.00pm. Doors open for Registration @ 6.45pm Awaken The Prophetic is a month long school each Friday night of April 2017 to help you understand, grow & exercise your prophetic gifting. Do you eagerly desire to prophesy? Learn how to hear Holy Spirits voice? Be activated in prophesy? See further details below
Awaken the Prophetic
Friday Night at 7pm First school this year looking at the area of Prophecy and what that means today within the Church. You can pay and book in, on the door tomorrow night. Registration starts at 6:45pm
Triple F
Freedom Fire Food - Triple F has now a new Promo for you to watch. Enjoy.
Timeline Photos
3 years ago we prayed for this lady with a condition called Syrinx which affects the brain stem and the spinal cord. two weeks ago she sent us the letter from her consultant. Have a read and give God the glory for He is a miracle working God. :) :) :)
Awaken the Prophetic
"Awaken the Prophetic" School will commence on Friday 7th of April. Running every Friday night throughout April. 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th. Starting at 7pm (doors open from 6:45pm for registration ). Covering Biblical aspects of the Prophetic and its role in Church life today. Practical learning sessions will be a part of the course. Join with us as we train and equip you to be involved in a lifestyle of evangelism where you get to share God's heart for the people around you. As spaces will be limited we would ask you to visit our webpage And go to the FSM Page and send in your RSVP form. Payment will be on the door. Cost: £20
Audio 2017
Hi All, Last Sunday was a blessed time for us all here at Tgf. Being blessed by two great messages from Carl Wesley Anderson who visited from Minnesota,USA. Carl is a Revivalist/Evangelist who carries a heart for the UK and brought a word especially on Sunday evening entitled Awaken the Voice of Revival. Here is a link to both the messages: I pray you are blessed by listening. Many people found themselves on the floor doing business with God through this message, including myself. Carl intends to return later this year and will keep you all posted. We have now in stock two of Carl's books. 1) Changing of the Guard £10 2) Love Speaks, 21 Ways to Recognize God's Multi-faceted Voice ( just printed) £15 If you would like to purchase either or both please drop me a line. I will bring some with me on Wednesday night to the Fellowship of Churches meeting. May God Bless us all greatly in 2017. Blessings,
Awaken the Voice of Revival
Sunday the 8th January will be packed out with a morning and evening with Carl. 10:30am He will be sharing at Tgf 7:00pm we will host Carl again at the same address for Awaken the Voice of Revival. All are welcome to come and join in with us. It has been 4 years since we last had Carl with us. He amazes us with his teachings, prophetic and healing ministry. Here is a little about Carl & family. Carl Wesley Anderson, Jr. is an itinerant, equipping evangelist. In the past 20+ years he has had the privilege of preaching the Good News in over 20 Nations. Carl was born in 1970 and raised in an evangelical family. At a young age his heart was open to the LORD and he prayed often. During his later teen years he made a deeper commitment to follow Christ, and discovered at the age of 20 he had a calling in ministry to pursue. Prior to this, as a young entrepreneur, Carl started his own business, filming weddings and other productions from the age of 15. He even briefly attended U.S.C. Film School in Los Angeles and was trained in film-making techniques. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications. Carl began his ministry training in 1992 at Antioch Christian Training School (A.C.T.S. International) in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. After graduating he set out on a path of full-time equipping evangelism, pioneering at the age of 24. Later he would return and obtain a Masters of Divinity degree. He followed God’s leading to many places, including Europe, Scandinavia, the U.K., & Australia, traveling by faith. God always met his needs, often miraculously. He has served within Protestant, Roman Catholic, Evangelical, and Pentecostal churches, and served alongside leaders in diverse groups like Y.W.A.M. (Youth With A Mission) around the world. In the summer of 1996 at the age of 26, Carl met the woman who would become his wife and life-long companion, Sarah Elizabeth. Sarah herself had felt a call to missions in her late teens, and had recently completed discipleship training through Y.W.A.M. and was working in her local church office. Sarah continues to serve alongside Carl in the ministry, bringing her gifts of service and administration as a complement of Carl’s gifts of vision and equipping. God gave Carl and Sarah the vision of being “tentmakers” (like the Apostle Paul was, who had a business, making tents, and was able to help support himself and his staff at times in ministry). For nearly 15 years, they were able to be self-supported for many missions around the world. They still help support the vision of Born to Blaze with some of their own resources every year. In 2014, the LORD began to call Carl and Sarah into a transition to more full-time ministry and missions and part-time wedding video production. One of Carl’s life verses is found in John 10:10, the words of our Savior, “I came that they might have LIFE, and might have it abundantly.” Carl and Sarah have 3 school-aged children: Ethan, Gideon & Zoe, and they make their home in the country, near a small town, just west of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Hope Community ChurchAs far as a home church, Carl, Sarah, and their children are blessed to be based at Hope Community, a thriving church near in Corcoran, Minnesota. Their Hope family offers both financial and ongoing prayer support to the mission of Born to Blaze. When not traveling, Carl and Sarah also serve as lay leaders in areas such as men’s and women’s ministries, missions, and prayer ministry.
Iris Cambodia | She Has A Name Motion Picture
Dear Friends, Today is International Day to Abolish Slavery! Help save someones life by downloading the film She Has A Name from our website. 20% of the proceeds goes directly to combating trafficking in Cambodia! If you can't come to any of the Premieres tweet about it using #FundFreedom #SheHasAName, and share it on your profile. We really appreciate it! Download it today! Lets get people talking about freedom. People always ask me what they can do to help. Today you can help the fight against trafficking, be someones hero! Downloading the film sees people saved. #internationaldaytoabolishslavery #iriscambodia
Timeline Photos
Movie Night tonight at 7pm at TGF. Bring a friend and some popcorn and enjoy a family night in with a great movie. The ARC, 20 Southey Road, Somerford, Christchurch, BH23 3EH