Dalways Bawn Livery Stables
DIY, Full, Part and grass livery.All year round turn out. Large floodlit arena and round pen. Large open facing traditional stables.Access to great local hacking.Family run, BHS trained.Actively involved in riding club and competitive activities. DIY, Full, Part and Grass livery.
All year round turn out.
Large floodlit arena and round pen. 60m x 30m
Large open facing traditional stables.
Access to great local hacking.Family run, BHS trained.
Actively involved in riding club and competitive activities.
Cross country play pen with portable cross country fences for all levels of horse and rider. Purpose built water jump.
Full set of show jumps available for use in the arena or fields in the summer.
20m lungeing pen.
Schooling also available.
Tell your friends
facebook.comThe majority of horses in our yard are lunged for a variety of different reasons and benefits! Sometimes the simple ideas are the best and this is a great idea 💡👌
It’s all about the poles next Saturday! Loads of you have registered interest in this..so now who all is going? Time to get those places paid for 👌Contact Jenny by tomorrow to secure your place. Everyone welcome- discount for members 😃👌
Entries close at noon today. Please make sure your entry is with me and paid for 😃
Don’t forget guys all entries need to be in and paid by Friday at noon👌PayPal is jcdalways@hotmail.co.uk All welcome 😃
Don’t forget..entries close at noon on Friday (must be paid by then as well). All welcome! Great prizes👌
Just finishing sorting through ALL our prizes for this WH show. Prizes 1st to 3rd each class 👌spread the word guys..😎
☔️❤️LOVE RAIN❤️☔️ and we are back working..only slush left and the arena surfaces below are thawed👌 #conniepower ..yes we know they need a good groom but work was first😂. #harryhall #worthingtonchiropractic #baileyshorsefeed #trainthemround
We are looking forward to the great thaw of tomorrow and then a week of work before leg 1 of our new year Dressage league...super prizes and great fun. Don’t forget entries must be in and paid by noon on Friday 26th. PayPal is working 👌
Well it’s looking good for the big freeze to be over for the first leg of our Dressage league on 28th. Don’t forget to put your entry in ASAP 😃all welcome, tests for all 👌
When the weather means you can’t ride, it’s lovely to flick through social media and appreciate some of the beautiful combinations out there..today Xena and I were drooling over this stunning picture of @elenamccarthy and her beautiful horse...definitely Xena’s new idol ❤️🐴 #poise #balance #uphill #beautifulgrey
Well with the ice thick on the yard and temperatures hovering around freezing it looks like we will just have to settle ourselves for the meantime as safety comes first...here’s a few ideas from Horse & Hound to keep horses amused 😃 http://www.horseandhound.co.uk/features/boredom-busters-for-horses-522929
Lexi was a total crazy mare but boy, she was beautiful 🐴 #beauty #tb

Silver dressage show 14th May. #doaghequestrian @_doagh_equestrian_ #worthingtonchiropractic @baileyshorsefeeds looking forward to a great show!! ❤🐴👌

#hardlifebeingahorse #horse#tired😴 #beeneatingallday #sunshine

Bank holiday 'Mumday'😂well done Mum- back on after 12 years👏👏👏thanks Anne and Tango 😍#harryhall #worthingtonchiropractic #baileys #gorgeoushorsesandpeople 😘

More great prizes for Saturday's show ❤🐴👌#harryhall #worthingtonchiropractic #baileys

@harry_hall_riding schooling Connies great fun!! ❤🐴#worthingtonchiropractic @baileyshorsefeedstr

New pony Noodles ❤🐴#gooddoer 😂#ponycampers @harry_hall_riding @crafty.ponies

#readyforrelaxin 😂👌❤🐴

#Readyforaction @harry_hall_riding #worthingtonchiropractic #baileys 🐴👌

#horses #springday #bestwaytochill

