Nancy Said
Nancy Said is a full time crochet teacher and pattern designer since 2011. The classes are fun and easy, hosted at Parlour Yarns, Courtyard, Carrickfergus. Nancy Said is owned by me, Nina Couser, knitwear designer and crocheter buddy full time since 2011. I teach up to 10 classes per week now and host special workshops and events throughout the year. You can purchases my knitwear at Parlour Yarns, Carrickfergus or sign up to learn new and wonderful crochet skills of your own. I love crochet and knitting and I just love sharing it too! Hope to meet you soon! :)
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Opening Hours
- Monday
- 10:00 - 16:00
- Wednesday
- 10:00 - 14:00
- Thursday
- 10:00 - 16:00
- Friday
- 10:00 - 15:00
- Saturday
- 10:00 - 14:00
facebook.comPhotos from Nancy Said's post
Coming soon! New workshop! - Fun and easy Finger Crochet - Saturday 14 September - 2pm-4pm - Selections Wool Shop, Carrickfergus - now booking - Tel 02893 351118 to secure your place #nohookcrochet #fingercrochetworkshop #crochettechniques
The Courtyard, Carrickfergus
When I was working in Belfast, I always dreamed of a job in The Courtyard 🤗 #dreamscometrue #livingthedream #crochetclasses #thecourtyard #Carrickfergus
Photos from Nancy Said's post
Thanks to everyone who came to the A-Z Tote Bag Workshop on Saturday - your bags are amazing-in-the-making! I enjoyed sharing those tips with you. The Moroccan Tile stitch was a challenge but you mastered it very well. Can't wait to see you you sporting your bags about town. Well done, everyone! 😃🌿 #ToteBagWorkshop #MoroccanTileStitchWorkshop #crochetworkshops #crochetclasses #crochetpatterns #advancedCrochet #newCrochetSkills
Photos from Nancy Said's post
Thank you so much to everyone who came to Crochet Story Time today as part of the Music in Mind Festival. I hope it's the first of many such occasions! If I ever give up crochet...😉 Special thanks to Louise at Lighthouse Yarns for hosting with such a lovely spread of cakes, and opening the shop on a Sunday. You made us feel very welcome. #CrochetStoryTime #StorieswhileyouCraft #mentalHealthAwareness #musicinmindfestival #mindfulcrochet #crochetcommunity #crafteventsNI
It's Saturday night! Got my party glasses on 😎 #crochetatthedisco #cheersBeth
Nancy Said
Lighthouse Yarns is open tomorrow 1pm - 5pm - so you can do a spot of yarn shopping both before and after my event! I certainly will! I'll be reading to you while you craft: - Lighthouse Yarns - Sunday 1 Sept - 2pm - 3pm FREE EVENT (pssst get there early!)
Saturday mornings: cosy bed, heavy rain, hot coffee, warm toast, exciting plans, sleepy hair, sun's out, birdsong. Ah the pleasure in a slow morning. 🌿I've a busy day ahead, but I feel better prepared by getting up early and pretending I've nowhere to be. I need that! 🌿I'll be hosting two busy crochet classes and a full workshop today (Moroccan Tile), which will take me from 10am - 6pm with many many cups of tea made along the way. 🌿Hope you have a lovely Saturday! #slowmornings #itstheweekend #crochetlife #crochetclasses #crochetworkshops #crochetpatterns #nancysaid #carrickfergus
Music in Mind Festival
This festival starts tomorrow folks - Saturday 31 Aug - Sunday 1 Sept! Head down to Whitehead and enjoy yourselves. Thanks for your time and support. For my part I'm super excited to be reading to you at Lighthouse Yarns this Sunday 1 Sept while you do your crafts, 2pm - 3pm (no booking required but I recommend you get there early). See you there!! 😃
BBC England
Wonderful girl!
It's very soon folks! I'm getting some stories together tonight, ready for this Sunday 1 Sept 2pm! If you have any special stories, poems or authors you'd like to hear, please let me know. Bring your crochet, knitting, or sewing projects - whatever you love to do - and enjoy being read to while you work! ***NB This event is geared for adults - not suitable for young children
Photos from Nancy Said's post
Look! Lovely cosy wraps for Autumn FREE Patterns 🍁Tea House Wrap (Crochet pattern) 🍁Coffee shop wrap (knitting pattern) Learn to crochet
Photos from Nancy Said's post
Since I mentioned those two wool shops in Newtownards near my sister's bakery...and because you can never have too much yarn or too much cake 😉 1) Jolly Yarn Co (formerly Yarn with Joanne) 2)The Wool Shop (Frances Street) 3) Shaws Home Bakery (Frances Street) #crochetclasses #nancysaid #Carrickfergus