3 PWRR - The Tigers
The TIGERS! The 3rd Battalion, The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment Official Facebook page.
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TIGERS OF THE SOMME - 3 PWRR BATTLEFIELD TOUR. On Saturday the 22nd of April, 36 members of the Battalion travelled to northern France to study the Battle of the Somme 1916 and to pay their respects to those that had lost their lives during this costly battle. The first stand of the day once arriving was at Beaumont-Hamel and the Newfoundland Memorial. This site was fought over extensively during the 141 day Battle. The Newfoundland Regiment was founded with men from the Dominion of Newfoundland (Now part of Canada) and this battle was their first action. Here like as across the battlefield that day there was carnage. At Hawthorn Redoubt (one of the objectives of that day) one of the 19 mines that was detonated during that day went off. Unlike the other mines which were set of two minutes before the assault this mine was detonated at 0720. This was the decision of the corps commander who wanted to protect the advancing infantry from debris. Instead it just allow the Germans more time to take up their defensive positions. The first two waves of troops advancing after 0730 were cut down by German machine guns and artillery fire. By 0800 there was considerable confusion among the allies with conflicting reports, this was made worse by the fact the British signal for success was a white flare. But the white flares that were being seen were in fact German flares for calling in artillery support. When the Newfoundlers were thrown into action from the reserve trenches at 0915 the British frontline and communication trenches were already full with wounded. They had to move in the open from the start and were taking casualties before they even entered no-mans land. The artillery had failed to cut the German wire, but it had at turn reduced the cover for the troops. Only one tree stood in the battlefield known as the 'Danger Tree' which became a rallying point for the Battalion. This provided eager cover, in addition the Germans had chosen their defences well on a reverse slope, while their support trenches of the ridge also had excellent arcs. By 0945 they had to withdraw. When roll call was taken the next day only 68 men answered, 324 were killed or missing and 386 were wounded. It was not until the 13th November that Hawthorn Redoubt was taken by the 51st Highland Division and after a serious of new tactical developments including hurricane bombardments, tanks and machine gun barrages and another mine. Along with the Newfoundlers memorial today their is a memorial to the 29th Division and Highlanders. Afterwards the tour visited the Ulster Tower just a few miles down the road were Beumont-Hamel park can still be seen. This is Northen Ireland's national War Memorial and commemorates the men of the 36th Ulster Division. Here once again there was heavy fighting but a very different story. Their objective was the Schwaben Redoubt followed by Stuff Redoubt. The Ulsters actually managed to achieve these objectives. They had in the the lead up to the battle built saps (trenches) leading up closer and closer to the German lines. Then when the barrage lifted they completed a short sharp dash to the German trenches. This was against the doctrine of the battle. But this was not without loses. Here the Battle could of turned but once again communication hindered support. Also the failings in the other sectors meant the Irish were in a bulge. There was no mutual support to their flanks. By evening overstretched and running low on ammo the Irish had to withdraw under darkness of face being surrounded leaving 5,000 of their dead behind. Later in the week we will look at the memorial at Thiepval, Delville Wood, Somme Museum visit and the stands from the second day. #Fiercepride #Lestweforget
2 PWRR - The Tigers
More Tigers join the family this time with 2nd Battalion. Five soldiers will be joining the Second Battalion in the coming weeks: Ptes Carter, Johnson-Deane, Leppard, Wright and Petzer A particular well done to Pte Johnson-Deane who won both best shot and best recruit of his course. Well Done! #Fiercepride
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Happy ANZAC Day to all our affiliated friends in Australia and New Zealand; Royal New South Wales Regiment, University of New South Wales Regiment, Royal Western Australia Regiment, 2/4 Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment and 5/7 Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment. As well as all the ANZAC forces our Regiment and our Forebears have fought alongside from Gallipoli through to Afghanistan. #LestWeForget
6 Days - Official Trailer (2017)
Another pop culture share, a very interesting looking film about the Iranian Embassy Siege. Sure a few of you out there will appreciate it! #Fiercepride
Photos from 3 PWRR - The Tigers's post
ADVANCING TIGER - SUNDAY With grouping and zeroing, ACMTs, IBSR, HMNVS and Viper shoots completed by Saturday evening the Battalion could move on to further shoots. The Sunday morning saw a continuation of the moving target shoot as well as the section in defence. Prior to this starting though preperations had to be completed including sorting ammo, briefings and orders. Later in the week we will continue with these shoots!
PWRR - The Tigers
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MONDAY MOTIVATION. Another week to train, learn, strive and improve yourselves to become a better you! There is temptation in everything you do, not just in trying to be healthy, every moment of resistance to temptation is a victory. Have a great week TIGERS! #Tigerfit #Fiercepride
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Happy St George's Day to all our supporters, and to all Tigers past and present! #FiercePride
The British Army - The Battle of the Somme
SOMME BATTLEFIELD STUDY. A number of members of the Battalion are off to France for a Battlefield study of the Battle of the Somme 1916 this weekend. So here from the British Army page is a bit of a brief look at the Battle as a primer for those going or for those interested in it. #Fiercepride
2 PWRR - The Tigers
Another video from the 2nd Battalion the filming was done at the Mission Training and Mobilisation Centre. Great to see a wide range of shooting drills! #Fiercepride
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Have a great weekend TIGERS! #Fiercepride
How great leaders inspire action
LEADERSHIP POST OF THE WEEK. This is a older video, which we may have shared in the past when dealing with leadership. But with 31 million views it is definitely worth looking at again! https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action #Fiercepride