Argyll South Pony Club
Official page of Argyll South Pony Club
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facebook.comHope you enjoyed write up in the Squeak - as usual they edited and altered but not too much. One thing they missed out was our real live BAT - which Herself found at the edge of the arena as clearing up. It was burrowing into the sand to try and find darkness and Steve gently ushered it back under the decking which is where it must have come from. Latest updates are:- Next PC Winter Points weekend will be Dressage - using the tests that we would have used before - so that is either 2nd or 3rd Dec (whichever best forecast) at Tarbert Arena. If you have lost tests or have newly decided to come ask here or e mail Liz Mac for them to be sent to you - Nov (walk/trot)/Intermed and Open levels. Check site here on Wed night to see which day is chosen for the event. All RC members very welcome indeed. Maybe it is just as well we are doing dressage cos the weekend before is a spectacular JUMPFEST with David G on Sat 26th at Tarbert and Nigel on the Sunday with lessons and RC Winter League - contact Argyll Riding Club via their site for details and booking in. New members are very welcome and if you join now it covers you right through to Jan 2019. Come along to our Dressage Day and see the future Valegros, Carls and Charlottes strut their stuff - Strictly Come Dressage Argyll Style!
Halloween Rally 2017 🎃🎃 part 1
What a busy busy weekend in Mid Argyll - dressage and showjumping! PC members did excellently at both events - Gills really impressed by the riding and competent tests on Saturday - special mention Jadie "nice hands" and Nigel well pleased with his pals from camp - special mention here from Herself and Nigel for Alan - Mr Confident over big fences - wow! Great pics on West Coast Equestrian courtesy of Justine one of our superb organisers, the other being Gillian R. (also both great tray bakers!). Now the Hallowe'en Rally - 4th Nov at Long Walk - 10 am start - e mail coming your way too but the info is:- Dress to SCARE - Witch's Quest Handy Pony - spooky themed fun galloping games (or maybe fast trot with an apple on your pony's bum) - soup and roll lunch - all this TOTALLY FREE!! PC is paying for it all. Non members welcome so come along and join us with this as your "taster Rally" to try out Pony Club. Parents and friends come for some fun and lend a hand at the Slime Pit or brave the Enchanted Forest. Herself had a very busy time and day not finished when Ritz deposited back at 4pm - then had to race over Forestry road to Carradale to collect a very grumpy Man Who Walks on his Charity Walk. Also what is a Glenmorangie and honey and why have we never had one if it is so good at sorting out things on a Sunday night eh? Names here for Saturday asap to Liz MacNab -
Update from Justine - last chance for a lesson from Nigel Springer this Sunday at Tarbert - a final jump with Nigel for 2017 - not to be missed ( says Blue and Ritz) £30 half hour or £30 each for shared hour - contact Justine asap.
Herself a bit down about having to cancel Dressage Day but she cheered up and took Brie for an evening stroll towards the watchtower and we all behaved well at teatime cos we're getting feet done tomorrow and teeth on Thursday. My next job is to flag up a terrific event - THE HALLOWE'EN DAY!!! This will be on Sat 4th Nov at Long Walk - all the usual fun with guising, the Witch's Quest and spooky games will be on offer. Soup, snacks, prizes and rosettes and - guess what - it's all FREE for Members. Anyone thinking of joining Argyll South is very welcome to join us and it could be your "taster rally" - friends and parents come along and have some fun. I heard herself talking about "a big pink snake" so she's obviously got another crazy idea bubbling up. Keep watching as the story will unfold here......whooooo....
Oh dear - flash flood in Tarbert and 6pm forecast says no relenting in am tomorrow - although afternoon to be sunny - what a scunner. Really sorry folks - arenas all up as well. Never mind we WILL re- schedule - and soon so keep your eyes on site. Have phoned or contacted all who entered but just acknowledge on site so I am double sure.
Final update - Dressage Day moved to Tarbert Arena - start time 10am Group1 10-11am Julie McL/Catt Ryan / Dianne Smith Group2 11 - 12 Jojo B/Ms Baillie Group3 12 - 1pm Willow/Zoe/Kirsten R Tests will start after a quick lunch - can still take a couple of entries if you get in touch asap and one slot available for tuition. Tuition £10 Dressage entry £5 per test. Dress as for rally - tidy informal. Going to be a great day to end the holidays and start the Winter PC Points. Please acknowledge receipt via LIKE to all attending.
Right then an update re Dressage Day on Sunday - due to wind forecast it is very unlikely to be at Tayinloan - however we can move venue to Tarbert and go ahead as planned BUT I am going to wait and make FINAL DECISION when I see weather forecast - every time I check it the forecast and wind predictions are completely different - as is the direction. So keep watching and I will phone those who do not acknowledge my post tomorrow. Be really cross if we cancel completely and the whole gale/storm shoots off to the north and Sunday just a bit damp but we shall soon see....
Horse Dentist list away but can phone him any late takers. Decision made that PC Dressage at Tayinloan will be Sun 22nd Oct - more details to follow soon.
Calling all Brian Smith Horse Dentist clients - Brian can fit in a trip in the near future instead of spring visit. Please can you let me know and share this message to Argyll area. New clients welcome and I can personally recommend Brian (this is from Blue - the horse with the "perfect mouth" approaching 26!) New clients welcome. Send your details - name/mobile no/ e mail/ no of horses/address where horses to be found. Send to Liz MacNab - - asap please or he will be away to his German practice.