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A Second Chance

Greater Bibleway Gospel Church, Admin Office, 8 Signet Court, Swan Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)



Everyone needs a second chance, and this is a platform for us to gain and give a second chance! Contact us for more information and support our work! A Second Chance is another branch of the work of our founder, Bishop LA Williams (Apostle). In association with Bibleway Worldwide Ministry Organisation, it is a pool integrating information and updates from all the websites documenting the work of Team Williams.

Bibleway Worldwide Ministry Organisation has been found in 2015 and flourished under the guidance of God and the people He used.

Bishop Lynwal A. Williams is the primary founder of the organisation, and also the Chairman of the Trustee Board, the presiding prelate of Bibleway Church Worldwide UK.

The Vision of Bishop LA Williams is to connect people from all walks of life. The values and freedoms shared among us comes from Jesus and they has been planted in our culture and laws for centuries, influencing positively on people of all race, creed and colours.

We hope that through this page, you will gain some benefits and insights of lives by participating in the various events and reading our sincere messages.

If you are looking for more guidance and want to know more, you are most welcome to contact us or visit our websites and blog.

Bishop LA Williams (Apostle)
Official page:
Address: 8 Signet Court, Swan Road, Cambridge, CB5 8LA, UK
Contact number: +44 7446 397470

Freedom Gospel Ministry

The official website of Bibleway Church Worldwide UK

D' Gospel Must Go Worldwide (BLOG)

Our UK charity number is 263117 and our Philippines charity number is CN201521924.


My beloved! In this season of remembering christ birth I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a happy Christmas and a glorious new year when it comes . Stay blessed from Bishop L A Williams and family

A WORD FOR MY WISE SICK FRIENDS ! Your daily gospil take 3 times per day ! You hear me? OK. 1) James 5 v 13-17. 2) isaiah 53 vs 1-10. 3) psalms 103 vs 1-3. 4) psalms 118 vs 17-18. 5) psalms 107 vs 16-20 6) Acts 10 vs 38-44. 7) st John 9 vs 1-10. Now my wise friends Delight in these and (psalms 1-5) will be your portion. Stay blessed

A word to the wise ! One does not make peace with your friends; but rather with your enemies. We have been at war with God; but now we have peace through our Lord Jesus christ. . Stay blessed


Let the gospel flow through your ears and settle in your heart. Let the heavenly music give you peace and warmth. Follow Fgm-TV Radio and feel the love of God.

The power of the spoken word in faith. And God asks moses; what is that in your hands? God! how could you asks such a question? Why? God replied because it's the same thing I had in the mountains of horeb. The same thing that you turn into serpent. The same thing that you get me to uses to aflicted the Egyptians. And I am standing in front of the greatest challenges of my life; my red Sea is in front of me, my enimies is behind me, mountain on one side and the desert the other side. The red Sea is blocking your way. God is still asking the question, What's is that in your hand? Brothers and sisters look in your hands : remember the miracle is in the actions and the obedience. Stay blessed

Beloved Just a little note about me some people look at things that are and ask the question, how? I look at things that be not and asks the question why not? Some people talk dreams and visions; but I create dreams and vision because of who god made me to be .greater is the creator of a thing than the inheritors. We take after the image of our father st john 14v12 I am exercising the nature of my father (the most high god ) stay blessed

Apostle Lynwal A. Williams (Bishop)

Be advised; COMING SOON. Teaching on the rapture. Teaching on the LOVE relationships Teaching on Return to Innocence through Healing & Deliverance ; How to determined the right person for your life partner. but only by popular demands, you choose and I will teach it .

Your works is the spirit of faith. As the natural bodies are dead without the spirit to animate them. IN THE SAME WAY FAITH IS LIFELESS WITH OUT WORKS IT IS WORKS THAT MAKE FAITH LIVES And JUSTIFIED YOU TO GOD. STAY BLESSED

A WORD TO THE WISE ! Your blessings is a default settings in natural world. The first Adam was of the Earth earthy. The second Adam is from Heaven, which is Jesus Christ. As we have Borne the image of the first Adam ; so we must also be as image of the second Adam which is Jesus christ. what was the image of the first Adam ? the first Adam was given power, authority, he had knowledge of good and evil, he was mentally strong, he was given all that he needed to walk in the image and likeness of God, but he failed. However God had some expectation of him ; And God blessed them !! (Default settings. ) Multiplied and replenish (commanded ) Have dominions (that is our position) Subdue it ( that is your rights) WHO CAN YOU THIS BUT GOD HIMSELF. Stay blessed. .. STAND BY FOR LIVE BROADCASTING FROM SOUTHERN AFRICA. Stay blessed

My beloved friends how are you doing ? I am still in Zimbabwe; the Internet connection is very poor here, hence the reason I have been so quite. Hopefully in the few days when I reach South Africa all will be well again. The convention in Zimbabwe was a great success; many attending, many deliverance, healing, several churches became affiliated. They said bible way is the way to GO. One of the highlights of my trip was our bible way NGO WAS GIVEN 15 ACRES OF LAND TO SERVE THE COMMUNITY (can some one help give thanks ) but I miss you all stay blessed

TuneIn: Find and listen to free internet radio (error)

The impacting power of prayer ! 1) Prayer will continue to raise you to new likeness and image of God. 2) Prayer causes God to give you new insight to Life . 3) Prayer causes god to bring out his creative force in you and through you . 4) Prayer causes God to give you insight , before sight , and foresight . 5) Prayer causes god to revealed his planning for you and the world . 6) Prayer is the red telephone that take you and I direct to the universal creator and President. 7) Prayer turn you from the insignificant to most significant Remember turn-in to for great gospel preaching/teaching and music ! Stay blessed beloved it a god thing

A WORD TO THE WISE ! Having the healer in your life is better than having the healing; why ? Because healing expires. Having the deliverer is better than having the deliverance; why? then you will never runs out of freedom. Having the provider is better than having the provisions; why? The provisions only last for a short time.but God who is our all in all last for ever..stay blessed. Say Amen if you agree !!!


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