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Busby Tennis Club

5 Carmunnock Road, Busby, United Kingdom
Sports Club



Busby Tennis Club has been operating since 1924. We have three recently installed all weather courts with two floodlit. We have an active membership catering for all standards of players from the competitive to the social to the junior stepping on court for the first time.  

We may be small in size but we aim to be big in bringing affordable tennis to Busby.  Whenever or however you want to play, we think we have a membership category to suit you.

We have teams playing in all leagues-Gents, Ladies, Juniors and Veterans.  Our club coach is available for those that want to start from scratch or to brush up on the finer points of their game.

Hope to see you on court soon!


Wimbledon Ballot 2018 Just a reminder to ensure that all eligible members of Busby Tennis Club have "opted in" to the Wimbledon Ballot for 2018 - the deadline is 23rd Feb 2018! Please Opt in even if you don’t want tickets. This helps the club maximise the number of pairs of tickets we receive. If you want to "opt in" but are unsure, then here are some guidelines: a) You need to join the LTA - no cost for basic membership. To join go to Please ensure that you are linked to Busby Ltc. b) Once you are a member they will send you a link for the Wimbledon Ballot, be sure to "opt in". They will send you a confirmation email. c) "Opting in" is free & does not commit you to any cost. d) The more Busby members "opt in" the more tickets the Club will be allocated for the event. e) Later this year the Club will be allocated tickets based on the number of our members who have "opted in". f) Busby members may then take part in a draw for the tickets. Successful members can then decide whether they wish to take up the tickets. It is at this stage that payment is made to the LTA for the tickets. Tickets cannot be obtained & then sold on - this would disqualify Busby LTC from all future ticket ballots. Any unused tickets must be returned to the Club for other members to use.

2018 Busby Ladies Match Practice – Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00pm The new season is not that far away and we would like to start match practice commencing officially on Tuesday 27th February 2018 7pm (weather permitting). Claire has kindly offered to run some team training sessions with the first one on Tuesday 6th March at 8pm, but we will be down from 7 so feel free to come and join us for a hit. Looking forward to our 2018 season.

2018 Busby Gents Match Practice – Wednesday evenings from 6.30 to 9pm Gents match practice commenced on Wednesday 7 February and will continue each Wednesday until Wednesday 11 April 2018 – the summer leagues run from 16 April to 31 July 2018. Please feel free to join us on a Wednesday evening for as long as you can manage, blow away some cobwebs and meet some new players. Looking forward to our 2018 season.

Why not head over to give Maia Lumsden some Scottish support!

Claire plans to run a fun tournament for adults on Tuesday 2nd January 2018 . Come at 1130 and we will play doubles and mix partners every match ! If anyone would like to bring some snacks to keep us going, let Claire know. Please could people email or text Claire so she has an idea of numbers: 07973940059 Merry Christmas to you all and look forward to seeing you in the New Year!

All members are encouraged to attend and have their input to the proceedings. It normally lasts around an hour. There may even be some home baking left over from earlier!

All donations of home baking and mince pies very gratefully accepted. £2 coffee and cake adult. £1 drink and cake children.

Sorry folks. Friday night’s Fish n Chip night (17th Nov) has been cancelled due to lack of numbers. We’ll plan another event for early next year once all the Christmas and New Year festivities are distant memories and you’re all looking for a good night out again.

Our final Ragbag uplift is scheduled for Wednesday 15th November. Please donate any unwanted clothes into the big Ragbag bin in the clubhouse to help boost club funds. Let’s make the last donation our best. We’re looking into other options.

