Al Gilani Ghausia Centre
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Mehfil at Al-Gilani Ghausia Centre in Brierfield under the guidance of Sayyed Muhammad Al-Gaylani, the beloved son of Shaykh Hashim Al-Gaylani. Alhamdulilah the mehfil was beautifully hosted by brother @hasan_ajmal_qadri

❤Jummah Mubarak ❤ Seek the fellowship of those who enjoy fellowship with the Lord - Shaykh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani (rahimullah)

Alhamdulilah the adab of mureed Rashid sat in front of our murshid @shaykh_hashimuddin Congratulations to brother rashid on his nikkah. #Sayyedi #Shaykh #Murshid

Nikkah ceremony of our dear brother Rashid Al-Qadri under the supervision of our beloved murshid Shaykh Hashim'uddin Al-Gaylani at Al-Gilani Ghausia Centre, Brierfield. Mubarak to the newly wed couple and their families. May Allah SWT grant you Barakaat (blessings) and descend His blessings on both of you and keep you united. Ameen.

Nikkah ceremony of our dear brother Rashid Al-Qadri under the supervision of our beloved murshid Shaykh Hashim'uddin Al-Gaylani at Al-Gilani Ghausia Centre, Brierfield. Mubarak to the newly wed couple and their families. May Allah SWT grant you Barakaat (blessings) and descend His blessings on both of you and keep you united. Ameen.

Some of the Qadri brothers present at the Milaad (Birthday) of Shaykh Hashimuddin Al-Gaylani. Everyone brought together through the love of our murshid. Subhan Allah.

Milaad of Shahzada Ghaus-Ul-Wara Shaykh Sayyed Hashim Al-Gaylani

Shaykh Hashim Al-Gaylani Al-Qadri Al-Baghdadi and Khalifa Qari Zameer Ahmed Qadri

Hamid Ali Naqeebi

Mawlid @al_gilani_ghausia_centre tomorrow in the presence of his holiness @shaykh_hashimuddin #Mawlid #Qadri #Shaykh #Sufi

The leader of the armed robbers said, “O child, people hide their money and goods for their protection but you are disclosing the secret of your forty dinars to us, why? Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (AS) replied, “My mother strictly advised me not to tell a lie in life”. The leader of dacoits wondered on his truth and obedience of his mother. He started repenting with this thinking that we people always told lie, teased our parents, murdered many people and looted their money and goods but this child fears Almighty Allah and dared to tell the truth. This behaviour of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (AS) left serious impact on the heart of leader of dacoits. He immediately returned that forty dinars to the child and also asked his companions to return money and goods to the concerned people in the Karwan, and decided to discontinue robbery. He released all his companions and asked them to do some good job to earn right livelihood

My man Patrick x

Lock door 🔑

Mehfil-E-Dhikr (22/10/16) at Al-Gilani Ghausia Centre in Brierfield
