Greyfell Boarding & Training Kennels & Cattery
We are a family run kennels based in Wormley, Hertfordshire. Fully licensed Kennels and Cattery based in the picturesque Lee Valley Park. The dogs are walked daily in our own,private, field. This is where our weekly Sunday morning training classes for puppies are held,come rain or shine. We also offer one to one sessions and residential courses with our canine behaviorist.
The Business is now owned and run by Wendy Sculthorp and her son Adam. Wendy has owned and shown Old English Sheepdogs since 1978. She is a Kennel Club assured Breeder and a championship show judge for the breed.Adam formally worked as a veterinary assistant and was born into a dog loving household.The kennels is now home to the fun loving Greyfell Old English Sheepdog Show team
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Please be aware of the weather warnings if you are planning on visiting us this weekend. The roads that access us will NOT be treated and could deteriate quickly, so please take care
Here to wish everyone a Merry Christmas we have Roxy whilst out on her walk earlier on today
Some pictures of Roxy on yesterday's afternoon walk in the sun :)
Pebbles enjoying the sun!
Some pictures of daisy and her magic foldy back ears!!
Some pictures of Missy and Roo out on their walk this morning, the sun is shining and we have some beautiful weather
Some pictures of Riley (after he had sat in a patch of mud,not that he was bothered!) Settled on really well and another lovable character