Brixham Dive Shack
we aim to please n help in anyway we can,happy diving air fills 232 to 300bar double filtered,lots of spare gear,ie regs, bcds,fins,dry suits n lots more.we also offer trips to MV EMSSTROM the new wreck in torbay on the rib ARGONAUT mca coded for 10 divers,we also offer live aboard accommodation on board the ANGUILLA PROMISE moored in brixham marina she is 4 to 6 berth the dive rib ARGONAUT can pick n drop you off along side the ANGUILLA PROMISE. the idea dive hoilday.for more info contact BRIXHAM DIVE SHACK or alan on 7969534470.happy diving
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facebook.comBrixham with a slight swell running in NNW 15-17mph 2hrs B4 LW 0.7mtrs.A pleasant 60min bimble.20min along the Breakwater Vis not so good 1mtr n a Bloody great Seal hanging onto my along down to Ladybird cove Vis better 2mtrs temp 7c.Forecast n Tide times not so good for Saturday NNW 20-28mph HW 06.06-12.03.LW 12.03-0.4mtrs.Happy Easter weekend.
Brixham nice n flat calm this evening SSW 13-18mph at HW 4.6mtrs.A most enjoyable 67min bimble along Ladybird cove Vis not so good on the HW dive 2mtrs n alot of sand in the water temp 7c.A strong current running to the East with these Big tides,hard work getting back to the to my Buddy Nigel for a great dive.Happy Divers.
Brixham lovely n flat calm SSW 20-23mph 1hr after LW 1.0mtrs.So bloody good to get back in for a wicked 65min bimble along Ladybird cove with some nice Vis 3-4mtrs temp 7c.Some new dive site features after the gales as in the to see the Seagrass survived the gales.Now looking 4ward to a HW Dive at 17.03-4.6mtrs.Happy Diving.
Brixham this wet,but so flat calm morning S 15-20mph at LW 1.0mtrs.Vis is looking nice indeed,when its looking this good it would be rude not to dive,so at long last its off for a dive it
Brixham this sunny n a bit fresh afternoon WNW 20-24mph 2hrs B4 HW 4.4mtrs.Vis is still looking OK.Nice to see Mike n Sue having a dive off their rib just off the Breakwater,they will give me Vis report up date when they get in.
Brixham a little fresh n few white horses out in the bay WNW 21-29mph,but nice n calm in the lee of the Breakwater 3hrs B4 HW 4.0mtrs.Vis is looking better by the day.Forecast alittle bit all over the place with WNWs n NNWs n SSWs for the week n Saturday NNE 13-15mph not so bad.Sunday not so good with E 18-21mph n Big tides this weekend 5.1-5,2mtrs.Happy Diving.
Brixham on this sunny flat calm afternoon SW 14mh 2hrs B4 HW 3.8mtrs n at last the Vis is returning.Forecast for the week so far not looking to bad.Going on to big 5.1mtr tides for the weekend.
Brixham this lovely Sunny warm afternoon N9mph 1hr after HW 3.9mtrs.Vis still looking murky,hope it will mend this week,with the long term forecast giving mostly W n SWs off shore winds n not to much rain,will just have to wait n
Brixham this wet misty morning ENE 13-15mph 1hr B4 HW 4.2mtrs with a swell running in.Vis looking very milky.Forecast is now giving N 10-15mph for Sunday n not NNW
So looking 4ward to getting some awesome diving done off this might fine vessel.
Brixham nice n flat calm this morning WSW14mph 1hr after HW 4.5mtrs.Vis along the Breakwater starting to look OK for a dive.Forecast Saturday NNE12-13mph HW 10.51-4.2mtrs.Sunday NNW 6-8mph HW 12.00-3.9mtrs.Sunday looking to be the better day for a Dive or Two.Happy weekend n Diving.
Some really great news for all us divers,that i have known about for awhile.but have now been given the go ahead by the Skipper Johnny Bee to let you all know,at long last we have a hard dive boat MCA Coded for 12 divers with alift n an off shore range of up to 60miles arriving at Brixham on the 3rd of May n will be running trips from Brixham at end of May.If you would like to book a trip please contact the skipper Johnny on 07931415955 or me on this page.Cant