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The Agora, Ellen St 1St Floor, Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom
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IMEX Group - worldwide exhibitions for incentive travel, meetings and events - taking place in Frankfurt & Las Vegas. IMEX is the show that innovates, inspires and presents new opportunities for the global meetings industry. In the heart of one of the world's largest outbound meetings markets, IMEX is a hub of energy on the show floor. IMEX isn't just about doing business, it's about building it and your career to greater things.  Let your imagination soar; IMEX is a show you can't afford to miss.

IMEX America sets the pace for doing business on an international scale. Increasing in size and scope annually, this event features the largest hosted buyer program in North America and attracts thousands from the U.S. and around the world. The energy at IMEX America is everywhere, connecting everyone there with key players, generating innovative ideas and driving business with the force of global opportunities. Plug into the power source at IMEX America: the pulse of the meetings industry.



Searching for the right connections? Our partner Zenvoy creates valuable introductions between IMEX buyers who share common demographics – for example, similar age, professional experience or position. Use Zenvoy to make new friends and business contacts before the show and arrange to meet them for coffee when you get there! Simply register for IMEX and get access to this growing community of global IMEX buyers. Check out the Zenvoy promo video here: Register for IMEX in Frankfurt here:

#InspirationHub: 5 Facts That Prove Social Media Event Marketing Isn’t Just for Millennials "Are you reaching everyone you could be on social media? Or have you been stuck in a millennial bubble? If you think social media is just for millennials, you’re missing out on a large market — and lots of ticket sales. The facts show that audiences of all generations are active on social. According to Pew Research, 78% of adults aged 30-49 are now on social media. And so are 37% of those who are at least 65 years old." (Source: Eventbrite)

It’s interesting how two popular cities have the same unofficial slogan “Keep Austin Weird” and “Keep Portland Weird” The meaning behind it emphasizes individualism. For more innovative content like our Skift report, register for IMEX in Frankfurt:

Our March issue of #IMEXfiles has hit your inbox, don't miss what we're reading (Modern Women 52 Pioneers by Kira Cochrane), what we're listening to (The C2 Podcast - women mean business), what we've been watching (Malala Yousafzai at the World Economic Forum), who we've been following (Brenda Trenowden Global Chair of the 30% Club) & what we're looking forward to (She Means Business, created in partnership with tw tagungswirtschaft at IMEX in Frankfurt) - check it out:

Thank you to WINiT for this personal guest blog about the importance of speaking up to support your peers, both in the workplace and the wider world "Consider how many times you’ve witnessed or been involved in a situation in the workplace where the opportunity to influence someone’s experience or, ultimately an outcome, has presented itself. You saw something. Did you say something? If not, why? Did you fear it would have an impact on your own professional or personal reputation or progress? Fear is a very powerful emotion, one that many people struggle to move past, but when harnessed, it can affect significant, positive change. "

Sustainability is incredibly important to us onsite at IMEX in Frankfurt and IMEX America but we are also committed to keeping our office in Brighton as sustainable as possible!

#InspirationHub: 5 Sustainability Trends to Look Out For in 2018 "Over the past decade, the term sustainability has caught on in event venues, meeting rooms and office environments. A growing number of associations and corporations are integrating sustainability into their operations including their events, and although some might argue that the concept has reached the mainstream, there are plenty of opportunities abound for implementation." (Source: MCI Group)

We’ve partnered with Skift to bring you the Rise of Midsize cities, “There are lots of benefits for meeting in midsize cities. You can get the backing of the mayor & access to more stakeholders”, Neil Mulligan, UBM. Read the report here:

Searching for the right connections? Our partner Zenvoy creates valuable introductions between IMEX buyers who share common demographics – for example, similar age, professional experience or position. Use Zenvoy to make new friends and business contacts before the show and arrange to meet them for coffee when you get there! Simply register for IMEX and get access to this growing community of global IMEX buyers. Register for IMEX in Frankfurt here:

#PressRelease: New education events offering insight and inspiration for all - legacy, security and equality among hot topics at IMEX in Frankfurt. "To have access to such a huge range of high calibre speakers is indispensable and we’re confident they’ll inspire new ideas and fresh approaches. We’ve carefully curated our education programme to offer timely, creative insight that’s relevant to meetings industry veterans, those about to enter the industry, and everyone in between.” Carina Bauer, CEO of the IMEX Group, explains why the comprehensive programme of free education – alongside the vast array of exhibitors - is a reason not to miss IMEX in Frankfurt, taking place 15 – 17 May. Read the full press release here: Register for IMEX in Frankfurt here: Watch our interview with our CEO Carina Bauer here:

#InspirationHub: U.S. Millennial Travel Report "Each year, along with the numbers we collect for the annual Meetings Market Survey, we ask respondents open-ended questions, including this one: What’s the biggest challenge facing the meetings industry?” (Source: pcma convene)
