Legion Scotland Brechin Branch
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facebook.comWhat's people doing? remember the post office use it or loose it well were the legion and were here for you so remember use it or loose it
Membership Applications welcome The Brechin Legion is members club we have 3 kinds of membership. Ordinary Members x Services Family Membership Service members Families Associate Members - Any other member of the public that believes in the values of the legion. People have the wrong perception It’s Not an old persons place it’s a Club associate to the Brechin Branch of Legion Scotland and promoting their beliefs. We have a good mix of members from all ages. We are willing to promote events to suit different age groups. Friendly Bar with George our Steward. So if it’s a quiet night out or a party night members are catered for. We have a nice bar with darts, pool and dominoes available to play and a lounge down stairs for bigger events. So pop in to pick up a application form or come along to one of our open nights, or drop a message on here and we will get back to you. Remember joining us lets you in every legion from the far North of Scotland to the south of England and any other place that has a branch or club abroad. we also promote a number of sporting events not to leave out the Bus Trip
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Good night ahead on the 11th of march
A.G.M Will be held on the 17st January 2017 at 7.30 sharp. All members are reminded that it is important that we have a decent attendance at the AGM to ensure that the meeting can go ahead. Also reminded that up to date memberships need to be shown, no membership no admittance no exceptions.
Legion Scotland Brechin Branch's cover photo
Legion Scotland Brechin Branch
So sad such a nice man RIP Keith
Sad news from Arbroath branch the passing of there branch secretary Keith Baldry. Keith died suddenly on Thursday 29 December at home. Our thoughts and prayers are with Keith's family and all at Arbroath legion
Legion Scotland Brechin Branch
Will be a great night
Timeline Photos
Timeline Photos