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Lanhydrock National Trust

Lanhydrock House, Bodmin, United Kingdom
Nonprofit Organization



Lanhydrock has something for everyone.  Magnificent house, gardens, estate, cycle trails, restaurant, cafe, shop, plant sales and second-hand book shop. We love to hear from you and will check and respond to your comments and queries as soon as possible between 9am and 5pm throughout the week. Sometimes we'll check in at the weekend because we've missed you :)

If you have a membership enquiry please email:

Our Facebook ‘House Rules’
We want our Facebook page to be a place where people can share how they feel about the National Trust and talk about their experiences in a fun environment. We welcome feedback – both positive and negative. It helps us to learn and grow. These house rules aim to ensure everyone can enjoy themselves while they’re here:

We ask you to be nice and polite to one another – you almost always are! - and respect each other’s views and comments. We ask all users to ensure your contributions are civil, polite, tasteful and suitable for all ages. We won't tolerate disruptive, offensive or abusive behaviour, unlawful or objectionable content. This includes any material which might be defamatory, offensive, infringing, obscene, lewd, pornographic, violent, abusive, insulting, threatening, harassing, discriminatory, blasphemous, indecent or otherwise unlawful or objectionable. It also includes any material which is aggressive, argumentative or likely to be construed as bullying. No spamming or repetition, please, nor off-topic material in subject-specific threads or areas.

Moderation policy
In general, we don’t moderate posts – except on the rare occasion that someone has used offensive language or made libellous allegations about named or identifiable individuals on our page. We have a duty to protect our staff and volunteers, so while deleting comments is totally out of character for us, our legal position is that any post containing libellous accusations, should be removed.  If an individual continues to post offensive, threatening or libellous content then we’ll be forced to block that person from the page.

We won’t tolerate postings, content, or links that are racist, sexist or homophobic. We also don’t permit linking to or posting any content which endorses illegal activity, or any activities against the values of the National Trust.

If you’re concerned that a posting or user content has broken any of our house rules or you’re worried about any comment or content then please send us an email to and let us know.

Finally, please note that the views on our Facebook page are created by our community and don’t necessarily represent the views or opinions of National Trust.



Fab news from the Cornwall Tourism Awards as our outdoor offer at Lanhydrock wins the gold award for 2017. We'll be cycling, running, riding, fishing, ambling and touring our way to the Park Cafe to celebrate another brilliant team achievement.

Throwback Thursday

Sadly the door closes for the last time at 4.30pm today on what has been another wonderful and successful season. Thank you to all our many visitors. Don't be too sad though, we open this ancient door again on 1st December for our Victorian Christmas Experience

Monday Moment of Peace

It's that 'time' of year again - did you see what we did there? Hope making your clocks fall back doesn't take as long as changing our does. With 25 working clocks spread around the house, changing ours can take over an hour!

If you're stuck for costume ideas for this weekend's Halloween events you might find inspiration from three outfits on show in the morning room. They're all based on costumes worn by guests at a Fancy Dress Ball held at Lanhydrock in 1893.

These Ghoulish Goodies may not be so tempting. However there are lots of scrumptious cakes to indulge in both in the Stables and Park Cafe on the days leading up to All Hallows Eve

Throwback Thursday: Whatever the season, wherever you wander in the grounds of Lanhydrock Gardens and Estate there will always be a stunning view

Find out about the 11 different bat species that live at Lanhydrock on this fun trail through the garden this half-term. Thanks to Hugh Clark at the Bat Conservation Trust for this super photo of a Daubenton bat - one of the species living here :)

Monday Moment of Peace
